Saturday, March 11, 2017

#1499 Saturday 11 March

Kaylia had a big sleep in this morning ..... it was 10:30 before I managed to get her up by frying bacon!!  She soon scrambled out of bed when she smelt that.

Today is the start of the next big project .... to move the bungalow sideways by about three metres.  This has been planned for a few years but now "the stars are aligning" and it's time to begin.  First step is clearing the site .... then the foundations will be prepared.

She was very pleased with the hair thingy.

Naomi and I had a night out .... Yay.  Movies at the Gold lounge.

A "selfie" before the show.  We saw 'Logan' ..... a good movie!

Kaylia had a night out too ..... A and A took her to Nando's.... and then for icecream.  When we got home she was wide awake waiting for us ..... and she had pinched my pillow!  She soon settled after we did the routine.  She was clearly very happy.

..... and of course the bonus for the night was the news that we are finally free of the stinky people that have been the WA government for eight years .... YAY!!!!

Friday, March 10, 2017

#1498 Friday 10 March

I'm on the bed .... for the afternoon nap. Kaylia is with me .... each day when she arrives home from school she checks to see if I'm on the bed .... if I am, she drops her bag, takes off her shoes and brace .... and enjoys some flop time.  It's a relaxing time that sets the atmosphere for a low stress evening.

I recently participated in a review of some new software for the bank ..... and was rewarded with a voucher. Today I used my voucher to buy a safety harness so that when I'm doing things at risky heights, I can protect myself against falls.  I figure that I'm unlikely to stop doing dangerous things .... so I'll be safer when doing so!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

#1497 Thursday 9 March

It's 8pm ..... I'm finally getting her to calm down and settle.  It's been a battle.  We tried having Naomi's storytime ..... it didn't work ..... now I'm being big bad daddy and I'm just lying beside her insisting that she is quiet.  So far it's working .... touch wood.

She's had a magic few days this week where she's been happy and calm .... but not tonight.  It maybe a sign that her period is nigh.

Once "benefit" of having a Kaylia is that it prevents me from thinking too much about my own aches and pains ..... much too busy for that!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

#1496 Wednesday 8 March

What a wonderful life we have when we can stand on the balcony and watch the kangaroos contentedly grazing about 8 metres away from us.  I know the distance is fairly accurate because the shed is 6 metres front to back .... and the roos were a couple of metres past.
Note the joey in the pouch.

It's now bedtime and Kaylia has had the nightime routine.

8:30pm .... The routine is not working tonight.  She's wide awake and noisy.  I've gone to DEFCON2 where I stay with her and demand "No noise" every time she starts a noise cycle. It works eventually but it's a pain.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

#1495 Tuesday 7 March

Kaylia is doin' good!  Last night it was settling to sleep time .... I was with her and Naomi came in too.  The family time was good ... but Kaylia was clearly figuring that she wanted to sleep.  GO! she says..... so we went.

Today I had a beaut email from Chris (Nov13-Apr14) .... it was good to hear of his happenings. Each day .... literally ....  I see his handiwork round the house and I'm reminded of the good times we had.  We have now had 35 people passing through our family as aupairs over the 10 years.  That's 26 'changes of the guard' with 9 of them being couples. We have some really good memories of special people.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

#1494 Sunday 5 March

Naomi is still unwell ... so we modified the routine today .... down to Fremantle E Shed ..... then to the op shop plus Oportos .... then home. Now it's 2:30pm and Naomi is asleep ... Kaylia is in the bath.

I'm building things in my mind .... since I can't go down to the shed to build in real life, doing it in my mind is the next best thing. I'm building a mobile tool shelf unit made from aluminium sheet.