Saturday, September 13, 2014

#989 Saturday 13 September

It's a Kerrie day today .... I filling in at the office so Kaylia is with Kerrie till Naomi gets home.  Kaylia is probably in the bath!

Friday, September 12, 2014

#988 Friday 12 September

Kaylia's new shoes!  She grabbed them.

 Most auty kids don't like change ... but sometimes she just thrives on change ... especially when it involves cars or clothes!

She was going to go to the doctor this afternoon ... but I've had a call to say that the doctor is sick!  So the visit has been put off to Monday.  Fortunately we didn't tell her about the trip to the doctor this morning because she would have nagged all day!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

#987 Thursday 11 September

Hats off for 9/11 memories.

Kerrie's crook today .... poor thing.  

We've found an exercise program aimed at kids like Kaylia .... it's at the uni and starts next term.

I've bolted the grinder stand to the floor and it's very good .... solid as!   I'm really enjoying the shed time at present.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

#986 Wednesday 10 September

Phew .... we've survived the "super moon"!  Kaylia had a good swimming session after school with Kerrie ..... and she was very mellow as a result.  At bed time she just went straight off to sleep.

Most nights now are "accident free" with a dry bed.  This has been achieved by emptying the tank before sleep, at midnight and at 5am.  Sometimes she wakes herself .... but usually I have to rouse her out of a very deep sleep.  This can be quite difficult.

Evening:  she came home tired .... school reports that all the kids are difficult ... but Kaylia more than most!  She seems to be in the stage of "testing" .... which most kids do at 3 or 4 ..... she does it at 10.

I had a good shed day .... making a stand for my bench grinder.  

It's assembled from small pieces of scrap steel .... welded together into usable lengths

... and in there is a piece from the old Midland abattoir .... history!

Monday, September 8, 2014

#985 Monday 8 September

School today.  Kaylia has "nailed" the pronunciation .... she very carefully starts with the S and then the C sound ... then goes to the OOL sound.  She is making good progress in many areas .... now her parents just need to get the anxiety attacks fixed.  These are getting better and last for a shorter time ....

 It was quite a storm last night .. very heavy rain and strong winds.  Today is shaping up to be similar!

Evening:  Sometimes we are "gob smacked" by things that Kaylia says .... that show a much stronger language familiarity than we are expecting.   I made her something to eat and she very nicely said "Thankyou Daddy" as she took it.  I responded "That was good talking Kaylia!" ..... and she promptly came back with .... "Yeah"

Sunday, September 7, 2014

#984 Sunday 7 September

During the day yesterday, Kaylia was highly stimmy ..... it was really hard to get through to her or to get any response ....Naomi reminded me later that the day was very windy and the stimming is common on windy days.

Today will be an Aunty Moo day .... but Kaylia was "nagging" so much that we gave her some time out. After a while, she decided to come out of her room .... she had sorted herself out .... and she was a different girl!  We are very happy that she is learning to self-manage her anxiety.

Evening:  it's been a good day ..... she really is a delight.  We go through some bad spells at times with the anxiety attacks .... and worry for her future is always with us .... but these are good times overall.