Tuesday, April 11, 2023

#2179 Tuesday 11th April

Car repair day..... naomi's Kia is in for repairs after an unknown person dinged the right front fender.  So we're having to manage on one car for a couple of weeks.

Today I've been on duty as Jenny (who normally cares for Kaylia on a Tuesday) has tested positive for covid!  It was movie Tuesday.... and "round the block" in the car. We did the Weir circuit and I decided to look at the one place that I had not been to.  The signpost did not have any description or warnings so off we went.  It turned out to be not much more than a meandering bike trail.  It took us into some serious 4wd country and we wandered for about 40 minutes!

Monday, April 10, 2023

#2178 Monday 10th April

After driving back from York, Kaylia and went exploring again. This time to see what Mt Dale is like and assess it as a possible camping site.

It's the red place maker above.  South of the Mundaring Weir.

At the top left corner you can see the clearing of Bartons Mill. 
It's quite high. On a clear day I think the coast might be visible. 

#2176 Friday 7th April

K and I went exploring to find "Bartons Mill"
It was a prison till around the 60s.... there's only a few retaining walls left on the site.  I imagine that it would be spooky on a moonlit night. 

Sunday, April 9, 2023

#2177 Sunday 9th April

We're having a little escapade on the Easter weekend.... at York. 

We're having tea at a Chinese restaurant.