Saturday, November 18, 2017

#1697 Saturday 18 November

3:20am   I was woken by a quiet voice..... Kaylia standing on the stairs ..... "Blanket please".....  I go down and find her waiting on her bed..... "Lemonade?" 

She accepted water instead and downed the whole container.
After the bed blankets have been re-made, she has now settled again.....  Funny thing!

Friday, November 17, 2017

#1696 Friday 17 November

Woo hoo .... it's taking shape!

The beams are not fixed yet .... they're placed so as to test the fit .......  and to think and plan.  It's feeling strong and looking good.

It seems to be quenda season at present ..... we are often seeing a quenda running round the yard.  They're a beaut addition to out little local 'family'  ..... bob-tails, king skinks,  28's, maggies .... and now quendas too.

Kaylia has come home from school excited about her day.  She likes to spend a while with me .... then she heads for the bath and has a good time before tea.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

#1695 Thursday 16 November

Dentist!  She was very excited ..... in the waiting room she could hardly wait.  Then .... when she was in the chair .... it was hand-flap time.
Her teeth are going well.  She has some molars still erupting and these will have to treated in about 6 months time.  This is having the natural fissures filled and smoothed so that decay cannot begin there.  Of course this means another  session in hospital under GA.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

#1694 Tuesday 14 November

It was a school sports day today ..... in the past sports days haven't always been good for Kaylia but today she loved it. Something caught her fancy and she came home very excited .... telling me all about the things she liked ... running .... throwing ...... she has a blue ribbon.  Maybe it was the cooler weather?

I commented to Naomi a few days ago ..... the longer I am having to fit in with Kaylia's autism and routines, the more I find that I'm becoming more 'routine bound' as well.  That day I had the opportunity to do 'something different' ..... and I couldn't bring myself to do anything other than the routine ..... it just didn't feel 'right'

Monday, November 13, 2017

#1693 Monday 13 November

Sunday was a day for Kaylia and Daddy ..... Naomi was not in a state fit for company and slept much of the day.  So Kaylia and I went to visit Aunty Maxine in the morning ...... Kaylia always has a bath there.  Then after some time at home, Kaylia and I went of for a drive to a far away Bunnings store ... cos the Midland store doesn't stock the tap fitting I need.  Then it was home for more bath time.

That was Sunday!

Today she was dead keen to get to school as usual.  .... and then I settled into some building time.

The photo here is the set of posts at one end ... I braced the posts this morning.  This leaves another set of side to side bracing .... then the end to end bracing ...... then secure the long beams with their internal bracing.

Naomi is keen for us to have 2 chickens ..... so we are researching chicken coops.  This is one possible sort.