Saturday, January 28, 2017
#1462 Saturday 28 January

Friday, January 27, 2017
#1461 Friday 27 January
It was the last day of Friendship Club today. Apparently they had a dancing lesson ... I thought K would really like that but when I asked her, the answer was No!
We had an interesting time this evening!! In the middle of tea, K just started crying really hard and rushed off to her room. It took nearly an hour to calm her down .... we're still not sure what the problem was.
The current calming formula is to talk about her going to school "in 5 days time" .... and "I'm going to school". It can be hard work at times.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
#1460 Thursday 26 January
I was very impressed by an article from Richard Di Natale, leader of the Australian Greens. I've pasted it below.
What will this day mean for Kaylia? .... Sleep in ..... bacon for breakfast! ...... time with Mummy. I hope that in the future she will be able to reflect on the meaning of this day ...... that her increased language ability will allow her wonderful mind to be released.
3:30pm. We went out for a drive earlier and when we got home at midday it was 39deg .... It's now 40 deg. Kaylia is in the bath ... singing away. Naomi is in her office writing .... the deadline for her thesis is only days away.
"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and others have been organising major, organised protests on January 26 since at least 1938."
We all want a day on which we can come together as a national community to reflect on where we're at and celebrate what we are: a wonderfully diverse, open and free society.
But January 26 is not that day.
Many of us don't think too deeply about it. We assume that January 26 is all about barbeque lunches or Hottest 100 countdowns or cricket at the Adelaide Oval or just a day off, if we're lucky enough to get one.
But for January 26 to be about those things, we need to forget what it really commemorates: the First Fleet's arrival at Port Jackson in 1788, and Arthur Phillip's raising of the Union Jack on the land of the Eora nation.
It's only by forgetting that historical moment that we can ignore that January 26 is the anniversary of the beginning of an invasion -- an invasion that had catastrophic and tragic consequences for all the peoples and nations who had lived here for tens of thousands of years, and for their descendants.
Whatever else the history of the Australian continent since 1788 has been, it's also been a history of killing, colonising, dispossessing, converting, "protecting", assimilating and discriminating. All these horrors have been perpetrated by non-Indigenous people on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. And January 26 is a potent symbolic reminder of that history and our efforts to airbrush it.
Non-Indigenous Australians have been very adept at forgetting. Within a few decades of colonisation, our legal systems had convinced themselves that Australia was "terra nullius" before the Europeans arrived, and therefore that what happened afterwards was a "settlement". For the first six decades after Federation, history books barely contained any references to First Nations people or their experiences at all. I was still being taught at school during the 1970s and 1980s that Australian history was uniquely peaceful, that there had been no wars here.
The forgetting was so complete and so entrenched that the anthropologist Bill Stanner famously called it the Great Australian Silence -- a "cult of forgetfulness practised on a national scale". To continue to celebrate Australia Day on January 26 is to participate in that cult of forgetfulness.
But that Silence is not universal. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and others have been organising major, organised protests on January 26 since at least 1938. Beginning in the 1960s, historians have returned to the historical evidence and corrected the record. The High Court dispensed with the fiction of "terra nullius" in 1992.
Most of what non-Indigenous Australians thought they knew about First Nations' cultures and connections with this land has been proven to be false. At school I learned that Aboriginal society was essentially a hunter-gatherer society -- one of many colonial myths that have been used to justify the dispossession of their land. Bruce Pascoe, among others, has shown the extent to which Aboriginal nations managed and cultivated vast tracts of the continent, to regulate all aspects of their relationships with the land from food production to bushfire control. Historians have obliterated the myth that the European "settlement" was in any way peaceful, or that there was somehow little resistance.
Australia's past still gets divided -- falsely -- into "black armband" and "white blindfold" history. Holding an Australia Day celebration on what is also known as Invasion Day or Survival Day is inherently divisive. It locks us into one position or another -- either we're celebrating "Australia Day" and forgetting its history, or we're remembering and resisting.
Unlike other nations with similar histories, Australia has never undertaken a national truth and reconciliation process which would force us -- and our governments -- to acknowledge the history of what has happened here and its contemporary consequences. There have been Sorry marches and official apologies and commitments to Closing the Gap, but sorry without consequence -- without a genuine reconciliatory process -- is not enough.
It means the history continues. Right now, Australia is locking up Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at up to 24 times the rate we lock up everyone else. Right now, Australia is removing children from Indigenous parents at a rate that is higher than during the periods of the Stolen Generations. Right now, Australia is still subjecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities to levels of policing and and welfare surveillance that very few other groups endure.
At the very least, all Australians should be able to participate in a national celebration.
While it's true that I'm not directly responsible for the bloody history, I do benefit -- like every non-Indigenous person -- from the original act of dispossession. To ignore this is to diminish all of us.
There is much unfinished business. The Union Jack is still part of our national flag. There are still sections in our Constitution which authorise the states to disqualify particular "races" from voting, and which authorise the federal parliament to pass laws discriminating against particular "races". There is still no formal Treaty. And we still celebrate "Australia Day" on January 26.
At the very least, all Australians should be able to participate in a national celebration. Moving it away from January 26 is not that difficult. Australians all let us rejoice... in changing the date.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
#1469 Wednesday 25 January
It's been hot today ..... the thermometer was still showing 37 deg at 5:30 ..... and the maximum was 43. I was finishing off part of the roof over the spa ..... in hindsight it was foolishness and I'm suffering now.
Kayla had Friendship Club ..... and had a bad episode of something .... not sure what it was but she was in a bad way and nothing seemed to work until Joe took her for a drive. She's been happy since.
I had a D&M moment ..... pondering whether "I" see my body as me? Or do "I" inhabit this body ...... and how does this relate to Kayla? It's deep and worthy of thought.
It's "Invasion Day" tomorrow ..... when we can spare a thought for the people who had their land stolen from them .... and who have suffered great injustice ever since.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
#1468 Tuesday 24 January
Teddy goes for a haircut today.
K has had a good happy day .... after therapy this morning, she had much of the afternoon in the spa. She never tires of playing with water ..... spray ..... squirt .... you name it, she likes it.
We have a serious technology problem at present ..... there's a lot of noise on our phone line and this is making the internet drop in and out. So I'll be fortunate if I can post this.
Naah ... it didn't work. ... I'll keep trying.
Monday, January 23, 2017
#1467 Monday 23 January
Yesterday was a largely unpleasant day .... so that I just didn't feel up to writing about it. It began ok ..... but when we hopped in the car to head off for the day, Kayla dissolved into a very upset girl .... it seemed to be a combination of pain, hormones ..... you name it. The only thing that calmed her was for Naomi to sit in the back so she could cuddle.
The day involved about 30 minutes of furniture moving between offices .... Boy she did NOT like that! It ended up with a sound "telling off" ..... and she was quiet for a while then. We stuck to the routine with a visit to Aunty Maxine .... bathtime ..... then op shop and Oportos .... then home. What a day. It sounds like a very mild affair when I write about it ..... but it's highly stressful in the midst of it.
Today .... beach!
Later: No ..... it was "lake". ...... and she's lost her swim mojo. She just dipped a toe in the water ...... and then said "Home".