Saturday, March 18, 2017

#1505 Saturday 18 March

Up at 6am .... into bed between us ..... wriggle, wriggle, ..... jiggle, jiggle .... an hour later ..... downstairs ...... back upstairs ..... s... h... o.... w..... e.... r. (that means long shower) ..... and finally we can start the day.

9:15am ....  Kaylia and I are waiting for a tyre to be repaired .... Oh no! It's a tiny leak but it can't be repaired cos of the position .... B&$#+!!

Later.  The rest of the day proceeded in routine fashion .... with lots of bath time.

Friday, March 17, 2017

#1504 Friday 17 March

Kaylia was raring to go this morning .... she was up at 6am.... she was prompting me to hurry up with breakfast ..... she was out the door and waiting at the car..... she LIKES school!

The other day Kaylia was sposed to have a vaccination at school .... but we had a message the she had refused!  So we arranged for me to take her to the local doctors for the jab .... I did this today .... and I can understand the problems that school had experienced!  She wasn't having any of it. Even the promise of a Freddo Frog didn't do it.  We ended up with the two nurses in front ... and me holding Kaylia in a straight-jacket hold .... and the deed was done.

A funny story from the office tonight.  Ash and Abbie arrived at Morrison Rd for cleaning .... and found one of the staff members locked inside!  She had left her own keys in her car and when the reception person left for the day, the door had been locked .... with the staff person working away inside and unaware that she was being locked in. 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

#1503 Thursday 16 March

I have just counted up the entries in my "Password Safe" .... I have 93 entries! What a complex world we live in.  Imagine trying to cope without a Password Safe.

The bank recently decided to change all the Mastercards to Visa ..... Naomi has just cut up the wrong one.  Ho Hum.

Today we had to complete a form for school .... listing what we see as Kaylia's strengths, weaknesses ... and what our aims for her are. It's quite difficult .... but a valuable exercise

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

#1502 Wednesday 15 March

She's a happy girl again.  She has started eating her lunch while at school again ... so when she gets home in the afternoon, she's not so stressed by the unrecognised hunger. Tonight we didn't "top up" after school and by teatime we could see the hunger signs .... so we rushed some tea into her ..... and she was happy again.

Yesterday I began the site preparation for the "bungalow move" ..... ably assisted by Ash and Abbie.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

#1501 Tuesday 14 March

Last night at bedtime Kaylia began  her cycle of working herself into being upset .... I could see what was coming so I quickly handed over to Naomi.  It was amazing as usual to see Naomi's magic calming Kaylia.  Soon Kaylia was happy and settling to sleep.

Summer seems to be over and I'm in "squirrel mode" ..... gathering firewood supplies ready for winter.  This year I'm going to be reducing my stockpile of timber in the shed.  I have so much that is put aside '.... cos it might come in handy later'.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

#1500 Sunday 12 March

She's a clean girl today ... it's 6pm and she's in the bath for the fourth time today!