Saturday, June 29, 2013

#957 Saturday 29 June

Whiteman Park in the morning.  It's amazing how much I get done round the house in the few hours when Kaylia is away.

Then it was down the hill for the constant updating of her consumables .... knickers etc.   

As usual she has "collected us" and we've had a beaut time of cuddles and IT time ..... each of us on our own device .... tonight Kaylia was doing her usual YouTube searching ... and couldn't find whatever it was that she wanted.   "Never never ..... Never never....."   After a bit of help we finally found the right Taylor Swift video and she was happy!

Friday, June 28, 2013

#956 Friday 28 June

Another night of up at 4am.  Fortunately Kaylia is well behaved and takes herself downstairs for much of the time .....  (Off she goes again!). It's 6:30 and she wants the day to begin ..... "Shower! ". "No .... you have to wait."

After tea at Subway it was home for shower time followed by time in the "little office".   When Naomi arrived home, Kaylia was so happy to see her.  Once again we are so fortunate that her autism hasn't taken that happiness away from us.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

#955 Thursday 27 June

Ah .... now we see a not so good effect of the new med ..... sleep .... or rather the absence of sleep.   She hasn't had a good night ..... awake since about 4am .... tossing and turning ..... downstairs .....  I think she's gone to sleep in her own room .... no .... thump thump ....

Life for us revolves round her sleep in some ways.  I crash after tea and usually sleep from about 7 or 8pm .... so when she has a bad night like this one, I've still been able to sleep despite the 'wee trips'.

The jury is still out on the new medicine.  I don't think that it will be a magic wand. Today has been another day where we can't really see any positive differences ..... and we seem to have the degraded sleep pattern

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

#954 Wednesday 26 June

Nothing startling today.   It's day two of the new medication and so far I can't see any bad effects .... I can't see any good effects either but if there are no bad effects, we can extend the trial to see if there are any benefits.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

#953 Tuesday 25 June

I am. ..... You are 

Such a simple thing but what an achievement for her!  Yay 

Monday, June 24, 2013

#952 Monday 24 June

I'm sitting in the background as the therapy session is in progress ..... what a difference it has made!  She is speaking loudly .... appropriately ..... with humour ..... she is able to describe her feelings.  She can understand fairly complex questions and make deductions from the information.

This all seems wonderful to me ..... and it is!  ...... but the fact that it's impressing me shows just how far behind her peers she is in her development.  It tells me that she will make it in time though .... we just have to keep working at it.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

#951 Sunday 23 June

It's been a good night.   It's strange how the aberrant behaviour patterns alway occur in the lead up to the full moon .... from then on, life returns to normal.

.... and it's strange how science can deny observable phenomena!    In effect, science says that if there is no explanation for an observation, then that observation is not real .... now to me, that doesn't sound like a very scientific method.  What do you think?

Today?   Her routine for Sunday is firmly set ..... pancakes followed by "Aunty Moo's"!   As I write its 7:20am .... Naomi and I are trying to have our "one day a week" sleep in ..... and Kaylia is downstairs thumping round in her room and singing her head off!

The other day I commented to Brynn that if Kaylia were any happier, she'd burst!  It's good.