Saturday, July 19, 2014

#951 Saturday 19 July

What a disaster of a day!  (That's here ... not the world scene .... that's bad enough!). Last night I was told by Google that my account had been hacked by someone in USA .... so I promptly began changing the password on all related accounts .... and oh what a mess!  It affects so much of my technology .... my printer/scanner is enmeshed and I've spent hours attempting to get it working again.  I'm now attempting to remove as much as possible and rebuild step by step.  Nightmare.

Now Kaylia?   She's had a good day.  So many of her days are good and she is such a happy child that if she shows any sign of the old anxious Kaylia, I'm thrown into a tail-spin trying to handle it!

This afternoon we did a drive to Mundaring Weir .....

A sign says that the weir will not overflow again as the water is balanced between all the storage facilities .... double sad! Even if we got enough rain, there'd be no overflow.

Bedtime .... I spoke too soon about Kaylia.   Something has set her off into a bad anxiety attack and none of our usual tactics are working .... the poor thing is in a state .... and Naomi is working hard to try and calm her down.

Friday, July 18, 2014

#950 Friday 18 July

Kaylia has had the last of her special holiday sessions ..... a "Party Day".  She came home very pleased with herself .... she was telling me about lollies and dancing and games and party pies.

Just Monday and Tuesday left now.  She goes back to school on Wednesday.  Each evening after tea she asks if she can get her school clothes ready ... she will be very happy on Tuesday night when she can do that!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

#949 Thursday 17 July

Today Kaylia had another "Friendship Club" session ..... making pizza!!   .... and she ate it all!  We happened to be having a little celebration tea tonight .... with pizza from Little Caesars ..... and she had eaten so much of her own that she couldn't eat any of the bought one!

Three days more of school holidays ... phew!

Today the 2 K's went for a walk to the railway tunnel.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

#948 Wednesday 16 July

It was a good night ... She slept well but wet the bed just before get up time ..... despite mid-night wee runs.  She just sleeps too deeply.  It's a real battle to wake her in the night.

This morning the rubbish truck actually emptied the bins!  For the past month the bins have only half emptied .... the truck is trying to be too fast and doesn't wait for the rubbish to actually fall out of the bin.

It's 8am .... Kaylia is chafing at the bit .... wanting to go for a swim.   But she got up too early today and Kerrie isn't ready yet.

Tea time .... She had a good swim then went shopping with me.  She was clearly zonked .... so we headed home for a sleep.  After that it was off for a quarry walk with Kerrie .... and now she's in the hot bath with bubbles!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

#947 Tuesday 15 July

It was swimming as usual this morning .... but we introduced Kerrie to the Bayswater Waves pool.  It's a good spot.
I watched the people there .... just about every nationality was represented .... and I pondered .... refugees aside, what makes people pull up stakes and change countries? ..... and what would make people want to leave Australia?
My first thought was shame at the way we treat refugees .... but no ... the inhumanity and injustice that Australia exhibits is fairly common around the nations.   Humans have always been cruel to other humans .... things aren't really much different in the current times.

Monday, July 14, 2014

#946 Monday 14 July

Kaylia was funny last night .... while watching TV she was all over us .... which is very pleasant ... except for the fact that she's an adult weight behaving in a very childlike manner.  She doesn't realise how much discomfort and pain she can cause when she rolls around on top of us!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

#945 Sunday 13 July

Wet bed!  It's a lot less often lately ..... progress!

Yesterday ..... Cowaramup set a new record ....

.... now isn't that a great thing!  What a shame we didn't find out till too late.... Kaylia would have loved it!

For those that don't know, this town has a cow theme .... with life size cow statues throughout the town.

Late afternoon:  We've had the two Aunty visits and the the op shop .... then home.  I've had an hour of shed time .... now Kaylia and I are at Bunnings playground for a while before tea.