Saturday, September 16, 2023

#2217 Saturday 16th September

Kaylia has a ball tonight!

While Kaylia danced, Naomi and I had a "date night".......  yummy food at an Indian restaurant nearby!

I still haven't found the missing spanner....  so I've invoked the theory that it will be found as soon as i buy a replacement!  Then, when the original is found, I can return the replacement item for a refund. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

#2216 Wednesday 13th September

 There's a beaut thunderstorm crashing outside as I write ..... and lashing rain too!  I really like a good storm.

Kaylia is getting excited about the dance that she's going to on Saturday night.  She always enjoys a dance and from the reports we receive, she dances energetically all night long  .... I can't go and observe first hand :-( .... 

I still haven't found my errant spanner.  I actually dreamt about it a few nights ago.