Saturday, December 31, 2022

#2152 Saturday 31st December 2022

New Year's eve.....  Bye bye 2022.... Hello 2023!

Since all the op shops will be closed tomorrow, we went on a massive op shop crawl today..... we went to six op shops!  Naomi and Zoe came home with lots of clothes.  I think Zoe is going to have some excess baggage on her flight back to Zurich. 

My FB post for today...... 

Friday, December 30, 2022

#2151 Friday 30th December

Wot a day..... Naomi and I are both in high stress mode with business matters..... and Kaylia picks up on our stress and reacts accordingly.

This is my Land rover post for today..... the posts on FB seem to be very popular. 
Times that are not likely to happen again.... 
Kaylia in Munduk Bali. A delightful spot. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

#2150 Wednesday 28th December

A quiet day at home. Kaylia is getting upset because she wants to go to school again.... and that's just not an option for her. Zoe had a very frustrating time trying to get a working sim card for local use..... and spent the whole day at the phone outlet..... without success.

I've been adding a few more stories of my time in the Kimberly 1976 to 78.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

#2149 Tuesday 27th December

We're home again after a very relaxing break. The house we stayed in very neat, very well equipped and functional. It's a 3 minute walk away from the beach and Zoe made good use of this!

Yesterday we did the "cow crawl" to Cowaramup. For those who haven't seen it before this photo of the "flying cow" is special because it shows the fabulous sense of humour of the local people.  (A nearby hoity-toity winery erected a statue of a flying female..... and the locals erected the flying cow to make fun of the winery! This happened years ago and we haven't stopped laughing since!) 

Another beaut shot of Kaylia. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

#2148 Monday 26th December

Post Christmas relaxing..... and FB posting....
(I follow a few Facebook sites about Land rovers and I add snippets of my history....) 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

#2147 Sunday 25th December 2022

Haaaapppyyy Christmas everyone!  We (Naomi, Kaylia, Zoe and I) are relaxing in a very pleasant house in Busselton.
It's about a 3 minute walk away from the beach and has all mod cons.  We will stay tomorrow and drive home on Tuesday. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

#2145 Monday 5th December

 The countdown is on!  Kaylia is charged up for Christmas and counting the days.  Of course we all are .... and especially since Zoe will be here in 3 weeks to spend Christmas with us.  It's been a long time since Zoe was last here ...... February 2013!

Each night Kaylia wants the story of our trip to Busselton.... what stops we will make on the drive and where will go when we're there. She especially looks forward to eating at Al Forno..... its a beaut pizza restaurant. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

#2144 Thursday 1st December

At last..... now we can count down to the trip to Busselton for Christmas.  Till now its been coming in the distant future...... Each night at bedtime I have to describe the trip in great detail..... where we will stop etc. Once that routine is done she will go to sleep.

Tomorrow I will take Bob off for another inspection. I wonder how long this will go on for?  I've had the vehicle for a year now and I'm still trying to get it licensed for the road.

We had a minor tragedy today..... the air conditioner in the upstairs bedroom died.  The reason for noting this is that it is 21 years old!  This is quite a remarkable age for an air-conditioner.
....... and talking of electrical stuff..... our latest power bill came today.  Before we had solar panels fitted, the bill would always be over $1,000 for two months..... this bill is $200!

Saturday, November 26, 2022

#2143 Saturday 26th November

Kaylia and I had a little adventure this morning..... my cousin Tom had his little hot rod on display at the Hot Rod Show at the Claremont show grounds. 
 His car is based on a Model A Ford and Tom has made most of the car himself. Its a very impressive result and Tom can be justified in being proud of his work. 
Kaylia loved the train ride from Midlands to Claremont and she's a beaut companion to have. 

This afternoon I've been making a battery cradle to hold the second battery in Bob.  I've managed to buy a second hand battery at a good price..... its a huge battery and it's from the supplier that I trust.... so it should do the job of powering the winch. 
I'm still working on the engineering certificate..... Ho hum.  I'll be very glad when I can eventually register Bob for the road.  I've found out that I qualify for a huge discount on the cost of registering Bob.... cos I'm a pensioner! 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

#2142 Sunday 20th November

 Excuse me on this occasion ... I feel like I have to let off steam!  I've been online with everyone's favorite government department (who have the cheek to call themselves a service ... NOT) ..... I've been waiting for 3 weeks for my pension to restart .... I have a letter from them to say that it would be paid on 2nd of this month .... still nothing.

On their website they say that an urgent payment can be requested so I thought "Why not?"  I began the process online and went through about six screens of questions about why I needed an urgent payment ... and then at the final screen ....

...... "You cannot apply for an urgent payment online." !!!!!  

So why start the process?

Saturday, November 19, 2022

#2141 Saturday 19th November

 What strange weather!  In November we expect the days to be heating up .... usually pleasant low 30's with a few high 30's thrown in ...... but yesterday was another very wet day .... we've had a run of cold days 15-19 with colder nights.  Today was cold again with occasional showers.  It's weird.  I wonder if the cold weather will continue in December?  It reminds me of that time it snowed on Christmas Day ... I think it was 1956.

My work on Bob is continuing... the winch electrical connections are finished and the cable has been wound onto the drum.  Part of the electrical work has been to set up the vehicle for dual batteries.  The winch is now ready for use when needed.  At the moment I'm changing the seats so that it can carry 3 people.  Before now it had only 2 seats. Then I will be building another storage box under the passenger seat.

Kaylia is in a good space at the moment ..... she's enjoying her life and her nighttime routine is low-stress for her and for us.  Today she's had her Saturday fix of DVDs at the op shops.  It included a reminder to me that in some ways she is just a little child ..... we went into one shop and another customer had left her own purchases on a seat near the door ...... and the purchases included some DVDs of the sort that are highly valued by Kaylia!  Kaylia spotted these and dived on them!  We had to physically restrain her and explain that those DVDs belonged to the other shopper - she couldn't have them.  Eventually she accepted it ..... but it was hard.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

#2140 Tuesday 15th November

Today has been Kaylia's day with Jenny. Jenny takes her off to shops and visiting people..... Jenny's friends but its all social experience for K and Kaylia always enjoys it.
Then at 4pm we head off to dance group where Kaylia is again experiencing time with her own age group..... she might be learning dance moves but it doesn't matter if the moves don't sink in.... the social time makes it all worthwhile. 

I spent some more time on the wall at the front of the house.... and then relaxed in the shed with the task of wiring up the winch. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

#2139 Monday 14th November

The other day when I dropped Kaylia off ar Workpower she was clearly very happy to be there.... she isn't usually very expressive and we mostly have to interpret a thumbs up.... or a thumbs down.... but this day she was beaming like a lighthouse. It was very good to see.

Today she's been doing her "Curve Style" business.  Over the weekend three sales were made! (Clothes are listed on Ebay)

I've been busy with the Land rover..... on Saturday I took it down to a welding business to have some welds strengthened. Today I've completed the hardware mounting for the electric winch.
The next stage is to connect the power and controls. 
There was a lot of work involved in making the mounting and a new bumper bar. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

#2138 Monday 7th November

 Phew ... I've been slack... no posts for a week. 

No particular reason ... Kaylia is cruising.  The medications are working well and she is happy and calm.  She has a fairly full week now.  Mondays and Thursdays she has her "Curve Style" online clothing business..... she has a support worker (Lee) comes in to assist her. The business has had its first sale.  On Tuesdays Kaylia has another support worker (Jenny) who takes her off for drives, shopping and general activities from 10 till 3.  On Wednesday and Friday Kaylia goes to "Workpower" from 9 till 3.  This is an employment training group that aims to improve her skills ready for work.

These activities give me a good break to tackle my own interests .... it makes me feel as if I am actually retired!   Much of this revolves around Bob the Beast.  This week I've been constructing the mounting frame to fit my new winch to the front of the vehicle.  I still don't have engineering approval to allow it to be licensed.  The delays just seem to keep coming ..... each time I jump one hurdle, another pops up to delay things further.  It's very frustrating.

Monday, October 31, 2022

#2137 Monday 31st October

Last day of the month...... so Kaylia wants the November calendar filled in with all the information about what she will be doing.  This is a ritual that she goes through every month.

Isn't this image amazing! ...... and then to try and comprehend the enormous distance that we're actually looking at.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

#2136 Saturday 29th October

Happy 100th birthday Dad! He would be 100 today.

Kaylia's at the party..... 
..... and while she parties... Naomi and I have a night out.  We're at a Japanese restaurant in Midland.... Yummy.  We've had entrees at one restaurant, mains at another.... and desert at a third!  Midland is a very convenient place to live. Heaps of places within 200m and no traffic to fight. 

Friday, October 28, 2022

#2135 Friday 28th October

 Kaylia is quite excited ..... she's going to a Halloween party tomorrow night!  The party is being arranged by Workpower .... this is the group that are doing 2 days per week of training to improve her skills in the areas that are needed for employment.   Tomorrow night we will drop her off for the party and pick her up afterward.  (She will have a support worker to help her at the party.)  

An added benefit of this party is that Naomi and I will have a night out to ourselves!  This will be the first time in a number of years as it has been a long time since we've had support where we feel confident in leaving her.

I had a nice parcel today .... a winch for Bob

It's nearly 30 years since I last had a serious winch on a vehicle ...... it will be good.  

Thursday, October 27, 2022

#2134 Thursday 27th October

 Tonight was another "UH OHHH!" ........ several stacks of her DVD collection came down ..... the floor was completely covered in coloured plastic.  So it was "Fill up the cartons .... we can take them back on Saturday.  I'm not sure that the op shops will thank us when we flood their stocks!

Tonight was a minor celebration ...... early this year when we were applying for Kaylia's disability pension, Centrelink approved her pension .... but suspended my age pension!  So it's been 6 months of very little income ...... and tonight they advised that my pension will resume (Yay!) and the date of resumption is the date it was suspended!  Even better as there should be a beaut bit of backpay.  It will clear the credit cards that I've had to live on.

The saga of Bob the Beast continues...... I took it to a different engineering shop yesterday to get a small job done.  But not only was the little job not done ... they informed me that in their opinion Bob would not be approved because the body was rigidly fixed to the chassis!  That then led to a day of heartache and research.  In my initial over-reaction I assumed that I might as well sell Bob.

My research then took me to the Dept of Transport Technical people who stated that they have no requirement for the body to be rubber mounted!  The Landrover Series 2a vehicle (as originally built) was always rigidly fixed ..... so according to DOT Bob is OK.  (They said that it's up to the opinion of the engineer.  So I have to "shop around" and find an engineer who agrees.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

#2133 Sunday 23rd October

We had a bit of a fright yesterday...... Kaylia seemed to be having the "anger attacks" again. (These attacks meant that she had to finish school.... and drove us to despair ..... this sounds dramatic but it's literally true.) Once we realized that it was happening, we could  adjust the medication and it seems to have done the trick.  It only needs a tiny change and it works.

The changes that the govt is forcing on the disability employment sector a very sad for people like Kaylia...... she needs a lot of support to be able to function in a work place and the govt is saying that there's no place for people in this category.  It seems hard.   

Perhaps we could just drive all day?

Friday, October 14, 2022

#2132 Friday 14th October

Kaylia has just arrived home from her day at Workpower....... I guess her behavior is part teenage and part autism ..... she walked in without any acknowledgement or greeting. It gets very tiresome  to have to teach even the most basic of social skills.

I'm gradually setting Bob up for the desert trip I plan to do in the future.  Two tools arrived today....
A bead breaker
....this is to help remove the tyre from the wheel rim.
And a snatch block....
This is used on the winch cable to double the pulling force of the winch.
Both these items are things I would have bought 30 years ago when I had other land rovers...... at the time I would have considered the current price to be very good value. So in today's values they're very cheap..... and the quality is very good.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

#2131 Thursday 13th October

We've been home for a week now. Our little holiday in Albany was very good.  It was good to see the Forests again.  (So many good memories of times past in Manjimup and Northcliffe)
The drive home from Albany was pleasant...... I'm always struck by the way that Kaylia is such a good traveller. She is always quietly attentive to the passing scenery..... she's never bored or demanding.  I'd be very happy to take her on a really long trip.

Today I've been pondering the relationship between memory and imagination.  I'm very sure that Kaylia lacks any ability to visualize in her mind..... yet she quite clearly can remember past events and places. She frequently wants to cycle through the photos of past trips and places.... I think this is her tool to use instead of visualizing her memories.  I sometimes prompt her to verbalize her memories.... so far it hasn't worked. She much rather have me tell her the story.   .... and every night we go through the story of the next trip in store for her.

The saga of the Range rover continues..... still no certificate from the engineer.... so no registration yet. Today I've been constructing another built-in storage. 
This one is accessed from the outside and it houses the air compressor and tyre tools.
i saw this picture.... and was impressed. It shows a V8 engine with just the moving parts!
.....and I couldn't leave this next one out!

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

2130 Tuesday 4th October

More op shops.  Ten op shops so far and I'm sure we haven't found all of them.  

Then a bit of sight seeing..... first up to the Mt Melville lookout that looks over the harbor and the city centre.
.....and then a drive out toward Denmark.  We stopped at a beach at Mutton Bird island..... Gorgeous
We stopped at the Elleker Tavern for lunch ..... and sat outside at a picnic table - which promptly tipped over! It gave Kaylia quite a fright.

Later..... a drive round and we saw another memorial....

Monday, October 3, 2022

#2129 Monday 3rd October

After a good drive down yesterday were in Albany again.  This morning we went on an op shop crawl ..... and there are certainly lots of them! It feels as if there's a couple of op shops in every block. Kaylia has her first three lots of 5 and now at 11am she's in the bubble bath again.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

#2128 Saturday 1st October

Yesterday I did it again! (That's gotta be a telling comment about me)
This time I tipped the kanga right over. But the Land Rover did it's duty and all is well now.  Photos
Tomorrow we drive to Albany for a three day break.  It's the trip that Kaylia has been asking about for months. Every night at bedtime I have to tell her all about the trip..... what we'll do each day.

......memories of Freddie 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

#2127 Thursday 29th September

I'm impressed! About 2 hours ago I managed to get my kanga thoroughly bogged.... tilting right over and threatening to roll. I hitched a length of chain onto the range rover, put it in low range and hoped that it would stop the kanga from capsizing. ..... but no.... the beast just hauled the loader bodily out of the mess that I'd put it in. What a magnificent machine that rangie is!

Thursday, September 22, 2022

#2126 Thursday 22nd September

Taking advantage of the enforced break from work, we went for a drive.  Kaylia had been looping on Gingin and I wanted to show Naomi the beautiful country round there..... so off we went. The wildflower season is beginning so it's a good time.

Naomi's brother David arrived last night to stay for a few days till he headed back to Brisbane. It was the first he'd seen of his future home and he is suitably impressed.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

#2125 Sunday 18th September

Kaylia is showing emotion more clearly at the moment.  Usually it's very hard to see from her face just what she's feeling. The lack of facial expression coupled with the problems of verbal expression make for real difficulty.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

#2124 Thursday 15th September

The drive today was "East ... York"  We didn't go all the way.  About half way to York there's a small area of national park .... with a high spot.   This is the view from Mt Observation looking east toward York

This is a spot just off the highway ..... with a beaut little camping area and terrific views.

Today I took Bob in for the third inspection by the engineer .... and it PASSED!  The next step now is for it to have the normal vehicle inspection prior to registration.  So it may not be too long before I can drive it normally.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

#2123 Tuesday 13th September

Kaylia picks up our "figures of speech"..... last night she liked something that Naomi had done.... "Good girl Mummy" she says!

Monday, September 12, 2022

#2122 Monday 12th September

Another driving day..... Kaylia is clear in her preference..... "East!" .....  so we drive east.  We drove out to Clackline, the north to Toodyay..... and then we followed the road beside the Avon River as far as is allowed.  The access beyond the halfway point is restricted. But till then the drive delightful.  Once again I'm so fortunate to have this excuse to explore our beautiful land.

This spot is a popular camping place.  The "Avon Descent" race was just a few weeks ago .... the place would have been crowded with spectators then.
Nearby rapids

Sunday, September 11, 2022

#2121 Sunday 11th September

A normal, routine Sunday...... breakfast at Dome and then three op shops.

In the shed I've been forced to accept that a project can't proceed..... a while back I picked up a free trolley jack..... a very old and extremely heavy one built in Adelaide. It sort of works but it won't hold pressure. I can buy a set of seals to fix it but the kit costs more than a new jack! 

The project of building the wall using limestone blocks has come to a screaming halt after I squashed my thumb between two blocks.  Blood everywhere! So I'll give it a rest for a while.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

#2120 Thursday 8th September

Mondays and Thursdays are Kaylia's Curve Style business days. Lee comes in to help manage it. Here's a photo of Kaylia at work.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

#2119 Tuesday 6th September

After our visit to Gingin a couple of weeks ago, Kaylia has been pestering for another trip..... so here we are.
its a beautiful place at this time of the year.... flowers abundant. I hadn't realized that Gingin was quite as historic as it is.
While I'm thoroughly enjoying the scenery and vibes, Kaylia doesn't seem to appreciate being here.... she's been looping on "Gingin"  for weeks but when we are actually here, she continues to loop.

I must say though that while the long drives are primarily to satisfy the beast, the drives are very enjoyable for me. I'm seeing the places with "new eyes" and I'm able to take the time to "smell the roses".

..... a bit later..... I saw this and just have to share it!

Saturday, September 3, 2022

#2118 Saturday 3rd September

 Saturdays follow a set pattern ..... Naomi goes off to work while Kaylia and I sleep in!  Then we eventually get up and the first item .... after breakfast etc .... is a drive to Ellenbrook where Kaylia is able to visit the first op shop of the weekend. (It's only on weekends that she is allowed to buy DVDs.)  Then K and I have lunch and head home.  Naomi comes home then and we all head off to the next two op shops .... more DVDs at each ..... then home again.  I then have about two hours of shed time!

Today I'm servicing the Subaru .... oil change, new brake disc pads and a new front axle.  The disc rotors are ok but I'll replace them next time the pads have to be replaced. 

The shed is very satisfying place for me as I've got it well organised and I know where to find each tool that's needed.  I have a good selection of equipment and it's unusual for me to find that I don't have the tools needed. This weekend is the annual "verge collection" so we've been carting everything possible up to the road verge ready for the shire collection.

Bob ..... I'm still waiting for the next inspection by the engineer.  The process (of gaining the issue of a certificate) must be nearing completion because each time the items that need to be fixed are more and more finicky! This certificate is required before I can have the vehicle inspected for registration.  I've been working on this for 9 months now.  I'm thinking that I'll be doing well to have Bob road-worthy before Christmas.  

During the past few days I've constructed a storage compartment under the body. This is made of sheet aluminum and the space is accessed from inside the body. Eventually I plan to make another plus fit a water storage system.  The compartment that I've just made is to house the built-in air compressor and all the tyre tools.

Friday, August 26, 2022

#2117 Friday 26th August

Happy birthday Chris!  Apart from this, it's still been a big day.

Now what happened today?
First.... while I was splitting firewood the hens we're gathered round my feet as usual..... and I noticed that they were singing there danger song. I looked up at the trees an so' nuff, there was a Maggie watching the hens. I shoo..ed the Maggie away and the hens immediately relaxed. They're good company.

Later in the morning I put in some digging time behind the front office.... this is a slow process to dig a trench along the wall. (This is to stop termite attacks inside the office.... the earth piled against the wall allows the termites to burrow through.)
Anyway.... there is a GI-NORMOUS rock in the way. Today I was able to dislodge the rock..... but it's too big to be moved with the kanga.  I'd guess that it's around 500 to 800 kg. (Below 500kg I can just move them.  ..... this one is not moveable!
This photo doesn't do it justice.... It's big!  I'll have to wrap the rock in chains and then pull it out with a chain block.  The rock will be a fitting monument.

When Kaylia ame home at 2:30 we headed off for a drive. ( She's currently fixated on Gin Gin..... but I said no.... that's too far.) So we went out to Bakers Hill and the north... through beautiful bush and farms ..... back to Wundowie where I began my school experience.  I looked at the patch of ground in the school yard where I had played "doogs" (marbles) as a 5 year old.  Then along the road that we (Peter, Maxine and I) would walk to and from school each day.....   then I drove into the farm that we lived at during this time. The farm now belongs to the WA University and needless to say, the farm is much more prosperous now.  But it was good to see the house that we lived in and the paddocks that dad had cleared.... (by hand.... no machines at that time)
So many memories......

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

#2116 Tuesday 22nd August

Another day of driving...... this time to Northam and return via Toodyay.  We also detoured along the Katrine road.
I hadn't realized the history of this road.....

Monday, August 22, 2022

#2115 Monday 22nd August

Today was a "work day" for Kaylia..... Lee comes in and the two of them are involved in the "Curve Style" business.  The aim is to teach Kaylia how to do the parts of the business that are within her abilities.

That finished around 2pm and then we went for another drive..... this time out on the road to York.... then about halfway we took a random northward road to see where it went.

In the morning I'd been under the Land Rover.... after the second inspection by the engineer I have a new set of tasks to complete.  Today I was welding bits to the chassis to add some strengthening where the engineer had requested it....   and when these tasks are done, the next inspection might bring a "certificate" which will then lead to registration!  

Saturday, August 20, 2022

#2114 Saturday 20th August

Yesterday we had a good drive.... we explored a road that branched off the Mundaring Weir circuit. I'd often wondered where it went .... so we found out! It wound through the bush and eventually we arrived at a "mount" ..... not that there is anything really deserving of that title in our area! Anyway... on that mount is a clearing and from there four mountain bike trails lead off.  It's the result of much hard work probably a source of pleasure to many.

See what I mean?

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

#2113 Tuesday 16th August

 The rain is fairly constant!  I don't think we've had this sort of weather for many years.  It's very welcome.  Around the yard the water table is clearly very high with water flowing from underground streams.

Yesterday was one of those days when the care arrangements all fell through so Kaylia and I went for another long drive ..... we drove up  to Toodyay then north along the Bolgart road .... then turned west till we came out 10km north of Bindoon.  The drive was through very good farm land .... then lots of state forest ..... then more farm land.  

The squiggly blue line on the map is sort of where we went.  It was a beautiful drive.  We are very fortunate to live in a place where we have such lovely country within a short distance from home.

Today Kaylia is off with Kim (carer) .... usually this involves drives and visits.  Kaylia likes the variety and she enjoys the social visits.  In the afternoon she will attend the dance group.  Last week she wasn't too sure about the session she attended with this group .....but she has since decided that it's OK!  So it's on again today.

Her evening routine has settled down.  The current medication is controlling her undesirable behaviors and she usually ends the evening with a session where I tell her all about the trips we have planned over the coming months.

Friday, August 12, 2022

#2112 Friday 12th August

Kaylia had a day at Workpower.... she arrived home at 2:30.... she had very clearly had a good day.  Then we went for a drive..... round the block as usual.  Halfway round I decided to explore a road off to the side... and it was a delightful detour! A hidden valley with 6 properties... each about 10 acres of well tended jewels.

Then down to Bunnings Midland where Kaylia was able to find a birthday gift for Daddy.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

#2111 Tuesday 9th August

I've had a few hours to myself today..... Kaylia is off with a carer so I can be in the shed.  This afternoon we're taking Kaylia to a dance group and we hope that it might replace her fixation on the school ball.  She had two school balls and each time she absolutely loved them.
My current job on Bob is to make and fit some fill in sections around the wheel arch's.  Too much had been removed and the "eyebrow" was about 100mm too high. I can't really understand why this matters but if I want it to be registered then I do as I'm told.

The rain this week and last week has meant that the ground is saturated to a degree that I haven't seen for many years.