Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday 23rd May 2010

Lots of thoughts today .... first - housekeeping - I have been asked about the 'missing' start to the blog ... so I have added #1 to #6 at the start of the first post. That way, any one just starting with the blog can go back to the beginning and see the whole story.
Second - do you know that you can easily create a shortcut on your desktop that will take you straight to the blog? Just point to the desktop, right click, new, shortcut ..... then put in the blog address ( and save ... Done!

Thoughts: I've had a couple of instances recently where I've mentioned this blog and people have made comments about how they have friends or family with ASD or suspected ASD children ... they have liked the idea that they can pass on our blog ... so their friends can share too.
Then we have found that people we already know have ASD in their lives too .... and the blog is a way that we can be more open & sharing with them.

Kaylia: today I feel that we have a good medication mixture again. Kaylia is happy .... a little stimmy but obviously enjoying herself. She's been sitting in her room reading books - something she hasn't done for a while. She is still trying to add another box to her floor collection .... but doesn't object when I say No.
The coughing prevents us from overcoming the sleep problem .... so we must get rid of the cough!! (Note the tone of desperation?) Last night, Kaylia woke herself at 3am with the cough .... and went to sleep again at 6:30. Fortunately, Sunday morning means we can sleep in. Sleep in time is a big favourite for Kaylia .... she is full of happiness to be in a warm place with Mummy & Daddy.

One of our friends has recently had problems with how people in authority perceive & interact with children with ASD .... it reminded me again of my Centrelink experiences. When registering with Centrelink for carer benefits, you MUST attend in person ... which means standing in a queue for ages waiting to be seen .... even if it is only to hand in a completed form .... and with an ASD child there is rarely any chance of a baby-sitter .... so you're standing in the queue with a child who may 'melt-down' at any moment. And of course that situation is almost sure to produce a melt-down. There are many situations which are incredibly hard for people with a disability ... and there is little flexibility allowed for them!

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