This blog is proving to be a useful tool for remembering what is happenning with Kaylia .... I have other recording systems for medication & sleep but I find that I am not as diligent in their updates as I should .... I'm finding that I am more consistent in 'blogging' and this blog has enough detail that I can refresh my memory when doing updates to the other records.
Friday night was a good night - bliss - and she slept right through. Then Saturday night was very disturbed. It's amazing that the rest of the house sleeps through all her noise! At around 3am, she was galloping up & down the stairs and playing on her xylophone in her room! (Maybe it is all the late night World Cup watching that lets people sleep through it!)
She has had a head cold for the past few days and didn't have much energy today.
The 0.3mg of Risperdal plus 13ml of Lovan still seem to be providing good 'stim/anxiety' control without side effects. This appears to be a 'plateau' phase and we may notice a reducing effect eventually - I'll update the medication record to see how long the plateau period lasts.
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