Oooo .... what a night! We were all worn out after a day in the pool and walking so we'd gone to bed fairly early ... but Kaylia woke at midnight and that was it! After a while we gave up and Ian set up the DVD so Kaylee could have some stimmy time .... which she did till 4am! We tried the Melatonin at midnight but it had no effect. We've increased the Lovan to try and counter the anxiety.
Despite the high anxiety, Kaylia is enjoying her time here .... she loves the pool time and the one on one mummy time.
This is a much better time than December ... having some strategies to experiment with means that we feel that we have some control.
Midday was a tentative sortie to Bali Collections .... to see how she reacts. A five minute trip with an icecream as a reward is a good test!
Back at APVC, we tried converting the day/night lounge to a bed so Kaylia could have a rest while watching DVD ... but that is not allowed by auty rules! A lounge must stay as a lounge!
Photos have been requested on the blog .... to tell the truth, I haven't had an opportunity to open a shutter yet! (Auty Rules!) .... but I will do so. Good idea.
After lunch, Ian went exploring along Jn Mengiat nearby and found a 'Diesel' backpack ... this completes his set of Diesel bags - 4 bags from baby size through to the backpack. Then a stop near APVC for a tootie massage (kaki pijat). Very painful process but good afterward!
Afternoon swim (with much jumping from a shoulder stand) followed by tea at the Pause Cafe. Kaylia was so tired she couldn't eat. Then back to the room while Naomi went exploring.
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