#73 Thursday 30 September 2010
Today Kaylia went to a party! She was invited to a friend's "Not A Birthday" party with a few others from her school class .... and it was good! She worked hard to overcome her fear of a new situation. She was interested in the others .... it was all positive. She was quite disturbed by the trampoline but by the end of the party she had gathered her courage and climbed aboard.
Here she is helping to ice some cookies.The past few nights have all been nights where Kaylia has been up for a few hours in the middle of the night .... last night she at least was a little more quiet! The nights are bad when she makes so much noise that she keeps us awake.I'm still in favour of my theory that it is anxiety that is the enemy here ... decreasing effectiveness of medication equals increasing anxiety ... when she wakes, she can't go back to sleep.
I love the idea of a Non-Birthday Party, I think I should have one myself!