#80 Wednesday 13th October 2010
Sometimes I think to myself that I'm probably writing this blog just for myself ... then someone makes a comment about reading it and it is all worth while! Maybe Kaylia will value it herself in future years .... very few people have a detailed record of a part of their childhood life. I have so many memories of my own childhood - very detailed memories!..... but there is nothing written at all .... we have a few photos but there's not much written down which can add credibility to my memories. In contrast, Kaylia will have so much! She has thousands (1,643 at least) of photos, lots of video .... she has this blog .... she has all the therapy records (written & video) .... not to mention all the travel photos! So far she has been overseas 6 times .... when she has the iPad, she nearly always spends some time looking through the travel p
hotos of the trips she has shared. She is still addicted to shopping at the Two Buck shop and she is working hard for her rewards! ... though it didn't work last night and she gave me a bad night .... awake from 2 to 5am! She also loves the 'Wiggles Roundabout' at the shopping centre .....Yesterday we visited her paediatritian and as a result we're going to try adding ADHD medication to the mix ..... partly to control ADHD type behaviours (which have become evident now that the 'mask' of stimming is reduced ...... but mainly because a side effect of this type of drug is loss of appetite. She badly needs help to control the ravenous hunger which comes from the drug which is controlling the stimming. Her weight has increased by 25% since January and this has become a serious problem.
You're not writing it just for yourself, Ian. I'm reading it regularly, although I get behind.
ReplyDeleteFully agree about the record of early life. A memory came back to me just yesterday (about brass model railway track and my attempts to make a railway), and I wish I could remember more of it.
It would help if you added an I. or N. to the posts so I know who wrote it. Often not sure. Pete