New moon
42 days to go
Actually .... its not a new moon .. its a full moon. It appears that the link is to the period immediately before the full moon. I've been back for most of this year and most of the full moon dates have been just after a period of unsettled behavior ... I would say that there's a clear link already. If I keep track of this over the next year, we should see an interesting pattern emerge.
Last night, she slept well! Poor thing .... she was worn out from the night before so no wonder she slept.
Not long now till our visitors arrive! Christmas this year will be very unusual ..... it won't have the normal emphasis on family as Kaylia's current anxiety and sound sensitivity mean that we can't go where there are young children (this rules out joining in the Croft gathering) and we have to be ready to leave a noisy situation.
I can almost hear people saying "Surely she just has to get used to it??" ..... I can understand this viewpoint but its a solution that might be OK for a neuro-typical child - not for Kaylia at this stage of her development. At present, she is not able to understand what is happening and make adjustments for it .... for her, the stress just builds and builds till she erupts in a melt-down. She doesn't like being out of control and we try to manage her environment so she can manage own her stress levels ..... she has her own strategies for this and she does it well .... but there are limits to the amount of stress she can handle. She is good at her 'down-time' strategy ...... so we try to bring her into a physical place where she can then use her own strategy.
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
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