Tuesday night she slept all night ...bliss. Not suprising after the almost sleepless Monday night followed by a Tuesday where she didn't nap at all. After the full night of sleep, her performance during Wednesday was top notch. She is very pleasant to have around ... very smiley and cheerfull. She can be very definite when she wants something .... but it's not done in an unpleasant way .... just definite!
Last night after tea she was playing in her room and I went to check .... she pulled me into the room, pushed me down onto her bed and then pushed my legs up onto the bed .... she wanted me lying down. The strange thing was that she then went out of her room and upstairs to our bedroom! I wonder if she was aware that I was very tired after a full day at the new office .... and she wanted me to have a rest.
The new office is very "full on" already with just two consultants working ...... when another two are there (about this time next month) it will be very stressfull for me. I've budgeted for clerical assistance and we'll have to get that in place soon. I'm getting too old for this game! I like the idea of sitting in a rocking chair dispensing advice.
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
Congratulations on the new business. Hope all goes well in Bali! Say Hi to Kaylia for me. Jodie :)