Thursday, September 1, 2011

#361 Thursday 1 September

Wow .... isn't the year flying past! Things are so busy. Yesterday's blog entry did not happen .....

Kaylia has a bad cough at present and it was off to the doctor yesterday. Fortunately the "nasties" that are going round were ruled out .... so we think it's likely to be asthma again. Each year she gets a session of asthma that presents as a cough .... and the shortness of breath is a contributing factor to anxiety! What a complicated web of issues we have here.

Now we try to get Kaylia to breathe in through the Ventolin inhaler / spacer. .... This is difficult. She just doesn't get how to do it! She want to blow rather than suck.
She will probably have a late start for school ( if she goes) ..... she has had a disturbed night with the cough.

Wristy History
The wrist is almost past history now .... but I'll record the current "state of play" so I can refer to it in future.
The pain levels have dropped hugely in the past three weeks .... I can nearly say that there is no pain now! This is due to some exercises that the physio had me doing .... coupled with me realizing that the exercises should only be done to the point of beginning to feel pain. Till then I'd been trying to keep going despite the pain! (Silly me!)
The absence of pain means that I can now work on joint movement .... trying to increase the range of motion that is possible. At present I can only move the wrist about 10 degrees up & down. This will improve over time.
The absence of pain also means that I can rebuild my confidence in using the wrist .... which in turn means that the wrist gets more exercise.

8:30. She'll stay home today. She's been a mess .... a ball of anxiety ..... but the meds have kicked in and she is calm again. Anxiety is horrible.

Late Afternoon:
She's not well.  We've been to the doctor and she's now on antibiotics.  Her temp went up to 39.4  She'll be home for the next few days.  Naomi is not well either. 

Wot fun!

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