It's 9am and I've up since 4:30am ..... already I've done all the set up things around the villa ... .put up the gazebo curtains, put up the umbrella .... I've been to Lottemart and bought 3 lots of 2 metre high by 1200 wide steel shelving unit for the store room. I expected them to be DIY assemble ... but no - they come already assembled! So we couldn't fit them in the car (as I expected to be able to do) and they will be delivered later today. I stocked up on the coffee and tea supply to take back to Perth .... the usuals plus a couple of new ones to try ...... a sachet tea with milk and sugar .... should be interesting!
I recharged the phone credit .... so SMS and maps are now operational again. Now it's time to relax for a little while before I go for a ride on the bike. I may go and visit John and Pat again.
I'm having a battle with the wireless network here .... I've forgotten the password I set up. Fortunately the villa laptop still has the password set so I was able to recover the password on that .... but only in HEX format ... which means that the password is 64 digits long! I have to find out how to convert from HEX to ASCII so I can see what I originally set the password as. The HEX password works in the meantime.
More later ......
The shelves are here already! ... and the guys even carried them inside for me! (The photo below shows the storeroom ... the shelves are to hold the plastic boxes .... that are used to store linen, supplies, toys, ..... all the stuff we can't leave out when guests are in residence.)
We'll have to remember the Lottemart delivery service ... only Rp50k.
11:15 Wayan (cleaner) is here. It seems that she has been cleaning ... the little birds are just very busy poop-ers! I guess when people are around more, the birds will stay away.
5pm ..... After the last entry, I hopped on the bike and rode up to Hardy's. There I asked about the cost of new glasses .... multifocals are Rp1.8mil .... so if the optician in Perth won't cooperate and leave my prescription unchanged, then I can always get them made in Bali!.
After Hardy's I rode up to John King's .... he had visitors so I didn't stay. Rode back to the villa .... swim .... sleep .... swim ..... sleep.
Update on the birds ... you wouldn't believe the mess they've made in the 2 hours since the bathroom was cleaned! The S&*%$# little B*&%$#s I wonder if having a radio playing there would deter them?
Now it's nearly time for makan malam!
Later: Makan malam was nasi goreng with beef and satay. at Mama Putu's. It's not a good spot for Kaylia but it suits me. Now I'm waiting for Skype time with Naomi.
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