Last night the bed broke again! This is the bed which Pete bought in March ... and which broke in May! Kaylia jumped onto the bed and it broke again! Now that I have a fairly good set of tools etc I was able to turn the bed over and make it better than before!
11::30 approx Earthquake!! We've just been in a magnitude 6 quake! It was 60km south of Bali. We were on the second floor of a large shop ... Very loud noise .... Lots of shaking .... very scary. It began as a loud noise ... like a large truck next to us .... then vibrations which grew to a shaking .... I was standing near a large concrete support pillar .... I could see the building moving. I moved slowly so I could see any falling materials and moved toward the exit while looking for Naomi. She had gone down the rear exit .... I went down the front exit. The building movement stopped fairly quickly and when we were outside with Kat and Kaylia, we could see damage to the building. On the drive home we saw a number of damaged buildings.
2pm We went home poste haste .... all is well at the villa ... no damage. People were worried about sunami risk but if there were to be a sunami, it would have arrived very quickly (given the distance from the epicentre).
The landline phone system seems to be out of action ... but ADSL is fine and mobile is fine.
We've had lunch .... Kaylia is in a strange mood. Lots of stimming.
I'm battling with IT .... I've bought a powerful wireless router .... I can get it be wireless but I can't get it to connect to the net via the router .... I'll have to seek help. (Found some help ... coming tomorrow.)
Well silly me! Lately Kat has been trying to catch the food vendors .... I was in the pool and heard one just outside dinging his bell .... so (thinking to call him back and then find Kat) I jumped out of the pool and ran across the lawn and into the garage / entry ..... I had forgotten all about being wet and as soon as my feet hit the tiled floor, I went DOWN! Very hard! Nothing is broken but I'm going to be very sore tonight and tomorrow. Fortunately I have serious drugs for this situation so I'll cope.
Of course this was just to compete with Naomi who twisted her ankle at about 4pm and will have big bruises tomorrow too!
Today the guys have been installing built-in wardrobes ... the third room ... one more to go. These are very expensive but very good value.
Wow! I just heard of this at 3.30pm. Exciting. Glad to hear there was no damage. Barry's here at the moment.