Sunday, October 23, 2011

#409 Sunday 23 October

It wondered recently ... is this blog sounding too much like a tale of woe? Am I dwelling too much on the negatives? The blog is s'posed to be a narrative of life with Kaylia .... Is it doing that?

Each time a new au-pair joins us we have many sessions where we explain the history of Kaylia .... things are going pretty well at present and it's easy to forget the bad times we've gone through in the past. (it's good to forget them! :-) ) The blog is a very good way to re-gain a sense of perspective.

BTW .... I create a backup of the blog as a PDF file ..... This puts in "normal" order ... oldest first .... much easier to read. If anyone would like a copy, I can email it.

B'fast .... Nomi is having a much needed sleep in .... Kaylia is outside stimming to the world at large. The weather is kind. We can use the balcony sitting area.

Today is a communal birthday gathering .... father, brother and Naomi. It's sad for Naomi .... The first such event without her mother.

It's hard to adjust to life without a parent ... I remember the sudden absence of that special person who was interested in me. I couldn't tell them that little story anymore.

Afternoon:  It has been a rotten day.  Naomi was looking forward to her birthday family gathering and we had to abort after about 20 minutes.  Kaylia had an anxiety attack and we had to get out before she exploded.  Fortunately the car is a reliable calming event.  We both feel trapped by the Big-A.  There's no real answer apart from doing our best and 'hanging in there'.  .... hoping that things will improve some day.  It's hard to keep going at times.

5pm   The Kanga has been sold!  It's the end of an era for me.  My little earthmover has been such a good machine.

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