After a good night I woke at 5am to the sound of heavy rain ..( .. Kadek
has left the washing on the line.... oh well ... I'll set up a drying
line in an air conditioned room.)
At 5:30am the power goes off ....I need to check whether it's the external power or just the fuses ... It's still pouring.... what the heck
... Strip off so I won't get drenched (it's like swimming through a
vertical bath) .... go out to the fuse board. Sho 'nuff ... the main
fuse has tripped again. Turn on - all ok. This is a problem that I'll have to find a solution for .... can't have it doing this when guests are here. The first step will be to fix the leaking garage roof. This is an obvious candidate for the cause.
8:50am Breakfast at Gardenia was yummy as usual. Kaylia is into a good
routine with this. We've decided that it is probably cheaper to use
"eat out" breakfast rather than trying to do "in house".
Plans for today? Maybe a drive into the hills? .... or shopping?
This morning I tried a lower initial dose of Lovan to start the day ... to test whether the dose could be split rather than topped up. By 10am she is showing clear signs of the lack of Lovan so I have given her the 10mg that the dose was lowered by this morning. I now expect that she will come good again (which she has after 10 minutes) and she will probably need the top up at around 1 or 2pm. So it seems that we have hit on the ideal dosage by accident. If the initial dose (60mg) is raised, it is too much .... if the initial dose is lowered it is not enough. The top up of 10mg seems to be giving a good result.
3:40pm I went off to Surya and Carrefour at about 12:30 leaving Kat with Kaylia. During my absence she was happy to play and eat .... she didn't want to go out and didn't want to swim. This could be the weather ... very heavy clouds with shower to heavy rain. She's just decided that it's nightie time and she doesn't want tea. This is OK as she has eaten enough this afternoon.
Lovan top up at 3:15
Before I went on my outing, I had a visit from Yudhi. We had a good talk. He & I are on the same wavelength in many ways.
At Surya I was able to replace the faulty controller for the new a/cond. Then to Carrefour where I found bookshelf units ideal for placing under the wall safes ..... and a set of goggles/snorkel plus another snorkel so I can model its use. We want to introduce her to the idea of the snorkel to extend her water play. We explained what they were and she had a little play with them .... then took them to the pool and threw them in!
The water pump has given up again. The plumbing system here is the bane of my existence at the moment. I'm a competent plumber with several building projects in my history .... but I cannot make any sense of the system here! .... and it often malfunctions. I need a local plumber with good English!
4:45pm The thought been no sooner been written than the answer arrived! Lanag (the pool man) has experience in such matters and good English. Together we analysed the current plumbing and determined that it had never been properly finished! Instead the builder had put the system into service with a 'make-shift' setting. The system is supposed to pump from the bore to the overhead tank with an automatic shut off when the tank is full. Instead the automatic shut off has never been fitted and the house has been supplied directly from the bore - without the overhead tank ever being used! Lanag will bring the parts needed to fit the automatic shut off and fit them next week. Hooray. The next step may be to fit a different pump .... I'll wait and see how the existing pump works when properly plumbed.
Lanang will also bring information on a water filtration system to remove the odour from the water supply.
Excellent! 12 months after purchase.... btw, this should definitely be covered by the warranty.