Kaylia has started her day with "CAR!" ..... "MACDONALDS" ...... "PIZZA" ..... ooh boy .... it's going to be one of those days.
BTW .... I've had feedback about Kaylia's seemingly bad diet ..... it isn't as bad as it sounds .... all the healthy eating doesn't get much of a mention in the blog ... so it sounds as though she only eats poor food. Not so. Given the difficulty of persuading Kaylia to change a choice, we don't do too badly. Our situation isn't like a normal family where a battle is waged and then the food choice decided ..... with Kaylia there is no battle because she refuses to enter discussions! She is the proverbial rock .... she cannot be moved. All we can do is the 'water tactic' ..... the water washes round the rock and undermines it ... so the rock moves despite not engaging in discussion!
Bedtime: Things have actually happened today! Guys came and refitted the missing door .... the job is not completed but at least it closes.
Then Lanang came with an offsider and fitted the new pressure pump to the water supply. Much better! The bore pump now fills the overhead tank ... with an automatic start and stop .... and the supply from the tank to the taps / showers etc is boosted by a large pressure pump that delivers high volume with even pressure.
For tea tonight I went to a warung round the corner ... a local one - not one for the tourists. Boy ... the food is much better than that served to the tourists. Much more flavoursome. I think the so called Indonesian food in the tourist restaurants is 'watered down' for the westerners.
Yes, definitely! See my comments in November last year. I despaired of getting real Indonesian food, especially when my friends only wanted steaks and pizzas.