As I was saying before being interupted ..... for IT inclined persons, there's a problem with Dropbox if you have an extended period without internet access. I don't understand why but after I reconnected to the net, a key file (that I had done a lot of work on while not connected) was overwritten by an older version! So I lost all the work ... some of which can't be reproduced. Bummer!
Today ..... we leave the day after tomorrow. Bummer! Time to start preparations.
It was a good night for Kaylia last night .... most are these days. I had a bad night .... tummy ... I was awake from 1am to 5am with gas .... sitting up burping.
What's this????? These are the contact details for the artist who did the family drawing in yesterday's blog. He (she?) clearly did it from a photo so if you have similar needs, you could contact them to arrange something. I'm impressed!
At 8:30am Kaylia is already in the pool .... despite the fact that it's pouring with rain!
This is K in the pool yesterday .... she decided to unload all the balls into the pool again. Note the lack of bathers! (Currently she has another auty routine of "bathers on ... swim .... bathers off .... go inside and get different bathers ... swim .... bathers off .... swim .... go inside and put more bathers on ... swim .... bathers off ....." This is continued till she has all her bathers in a row beside the pool! Clearly this routine is only allowable in the villa!)
It has been a wet, wet day. A tree was blown down in nearby Jn Danau Poso. We went out for a drive and the roads were awash. The jalan at the villa end has been flooded. I've managed to improve it by opening up the drain. Kaylia has still spent just as much time in the pool!
Yup! That's him who did the family drawing. He's called Upik (read: oo-peek)