Yesterday Kaylia had her first session with her new psychologist. She is changing both her psychologist and her therapist ..... 'the changing of the guards'! The review sessions are always thought provoking as we consider the recent progress. This process automatically prompts me to think about how far she has progressed since she began therapy.
One of the goals I have for her .... a distant goal (for which I must put on my 'rosy tinted glasses') is for her to develop imagination. At present she has a basic form of imagination ... that allows her to be able to follow instructions involving distant things and places ..... this is big progress ... but it doesn't allow her to play. She cannot pick up a doll and imagine that it is a person. So for Kaylia to be able to play is a big aim. .... one day .....
Driving to school is always a treat .... Kaylia picks the music that she wants to listen to .... and sings along. She has her own version of the lyrics but she sings in tune.
Another excellent post. Always enjoy these.