Sunday, June 24, 2012

#621 Sunday 24 June

We're managing the volcano .... there's a threshold which is the difference between a happy, self-absorbed Kaylia ... and a Kaylia who demands attention and nags for an outcome which may or may not be possible. We live on a knife edge .... hoping that the latter doesn't happen.

It just started and we managed to delay by using the timer on the phone ..... 10 minutes to car!
2pm  We've been over to Morley ... Naomi took Kaylia for a 2nd viewing of Brave ... she was more interested this time.  She has a cinema behaviour which can be a problem. She likes to jump around while watching!  Mostly we sit in a place in the theatre where this isn't a problem to other patrons .... but today, a person was sitting behind and objecting every time Kaylia did her thing!  Naomi had to abort 20 minutes before the movie end.
While this was happening I went over the road to the new "Coventry Square"  .... very nice.  The food is good and there are lots of interesting nicky-nack shops.  I noticed that most of the items are Ebay type items ..... on sale for around double to triple the price on Ebay!
Now we're at the Midland office.  Kaylia is in Naomi's office .... "stimming" her heart out (she loves it!) while Naomi and I have some shared computer time.  How unusual!

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