I still have to pinch myself and wonder at the concept of our imagination ..... The world within our mind! We can go wherever we wish .... do whatever we wish. It's the vital component that is missing in her mind. How do you "kick start" imagination? (any ideas yet Zoe?)
Imagination is the ability that allows children to play ..... to enjoy reading ..... to anticipate .....
Hang on! Kaylia can "anticipate" school. ..... a trip in the car ..... so there is a form of imagination.
Can we develop that 'form' into a broader skill? Watch this space!
Brainburst! During a car trip I discussed the imagination topic with the guru ....
An explanation is that there are different forms of imagination .... when Kaylia remembers a previous pleasure (such as Bali or school or icecream) she can imagine the memory and anticipate a future event ....
Reading involves understanding the words .... linking the words to a memory, to a sensation ..... if her understanding is not enough to make that link, then the pleasure from the imagination doesn't happen.
Creative imagination .... imagining a situation or event that is not part of her past memories .... she's not there yet.
After arriving home she's miserable ... whining .... we hate this. We can't tell what the problem is. She just complains.
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