... and it was paid for by selling the old Buzzacot stationery engine .... so the actual cost of the laptop is the $50 I paid for the engine 10 years ago. eBay is such fun!
Over the years I have had a lot of enjoyment from eBay "wheeling and dealing" .... in 1998 I bought a 5Kva generator for a carton of beer .... I fixed it up and next year swapped the generator for a mobile welder ..... two years later I sold the welder for enough to buy a brand new MIG welder .... which I sold a few months ago for $900. A carton of beer turned into $900! Great stuff!
Today? I'm still pondering the bathroom wiring problem .... there has to be a way to find out where the wires go ....

I slept all morning! I must be still needing it.
.Lunch at Warung Blanjong again.... prices are much higher today. Last night there was no service charge or tax .... today there is.
This afternoon, I'm making an insect screen for the window in bathroom 2.
The screen is going well ... once the window carving is put in place tomorrow, I will be able to complete the screen. The dreaded IT problems have struck again ... one of the LCD TVs has died .... just out of warranty! Fortunately they are not an expensive item. I'll replace it and see if the old one is worth repairing. In Bali, it may well be an option.
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