B^%$^^ grey cells!
After struggling most of yesterday with the lack of internet, I woke at 3am with a brain-wave. After a while of net searching on the iphone ..... which has a net connection .... I finally found a good site. Now at 4:30am, I have internet on the laptop again! Yay!
The solution? ..... turn the laptop 90 degrees! It was the orientation of the antenna. I'll have to remember that one!
(Later .... my pleasure didn't last long. The next time I turned on .... no wifi! But I now know the solution .... you stand up and start turning round and round till it finally decides to connect!)
Update on the mystery wiring? Last night .... when all was dark ... I turned on lights and visible power items all round the house .... so I could watch from the garage the effect of turning switches on and off. I managed to identify nearly all the switches .... and while doing this, I found that none of those switches turn off the mystery circuit!!! I then checked the last main breaker .. this controls the garage and pump room. The mystery circuit is turned off by this switch ..... but the breaker also turns off the main bedroom!!! ... and the living room ..... and the second bedrooms! These should not be connected at all!. The plot thickens! I think I now know enough to allow an electrician to fix the problem.
A side benefit from all this work is that I have found that the architect's plans and drawings have only a slight resemblance to the actual circuitry! During construction, the electricians seemed to have decided that they would build it the way they wanted to ... not the way the plans said it should be done!
11am The electrician has been arranged to come and fix the wiring problem.
My new friend the Telkom guy is coming soon to install a good hotspot .... so that residents will always be able to get good WIFI.
This is turning out to be an expensive trip! I had hoped that I would spend very little this time .... but with the modem, hotspot, electrical and waterproofing !! Phew
4pm The new hotspot has been installed and we now have excellent wifi at all points in the villa ... even in the loo in bathroom 2! It doesn't fix my problems .... to get my laptop to connect I must do a dance with it! I start it connecting and then turn around in circles till it finds the signal. A bit of net surfing has told me that this problem is completely normal for the wifi card used in the laptop. The professional IT guys cannot understand why the manufacturers continue to use this brand of card.
I've bought a big drum of waterproofing paint and some fibreglass sheeting to strengthen the weak areas.
It's now pouring down outside. ..... when it rains, frogs come out and start hopping all over the lawn .... are they dancing in the rain?
I forgot to tell you of the morning "puppy drama" ..... first thing this morning I could hear a yapping out the front .... I found that someone had dumped two puppies next to the rubbish bin in the jalan. They appeared to be one .... maybe two days old.... eyes still closed. I tried to give them water and milk but they were too young to lap. Putu thought that they would be 'adopted' fairly quickly .... and sure enough within a few hours they were both gone. It saved me having to deal with the problem of what to do with starving puppies.
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