Sunday, December 9, 2012

#774 Sunday 9 December

One of the harder aspects of Kaylia's poor verbal ability is that it is difficult to understand just what is going on inside her head! At times it looks as though its not much .... and then she comes out with little bursts of brilliance and I realise that she's like an iceberg .... we only see a tiny portion of the thinking that is going on.

Much of the thought processing that we take for granted as being correct is only so because our society says it is correct .... it's not correct in itself. So with Kaylia I have to consider what is going on and try to remove the "filters" that society creates.
 Is she wrong/deficient? .... or just different?

It's great to see the way her use of language is improving ... take for instance saying "Thankyou Xyz"to the person who has given you something .... for a long time the battle was to get her to just say 'Thankyou'.... then she would say thankyou but she gets the wrong person .... she wasn't actually understanding what she was saying.  In the past few days I've noticed that she is now getting the right person most of the time. This afternoon I overheard her practicing (while she was stimming ...) ... she was saying "Thankyou AJ"over and over!  Then later she thanked Zoe and used the correct name ... so it isn't rote learning ... she is actually understanding.

IT is agin me! The modem is failing and a new one is on the way. At present we can connect by cable ... but wireless will not work on the laptops ... but wifi is fine on the iPhone and iPad. Go figure!
Today I did the wrong thing while trying to find a fix .... and my lovely ultrabook turned into a brick!  Reformat, restore .... ho hum .... reinstall all the programs.  That will teach me to create a disk image!

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