Sunday, February 3, 2013

#825 Sunday 3 February

We have a mystery on our hands!

Yesterday I was on the balcony and I heard a loud leaf rustle below ... looking over I saw a large black lizard and recognized as very like one that Kat had found on a bed one day .... the photo is on April 5th 2012 if you'd like to scroll back. This time, the one that I saw is quite possibly the same one grown up.
So .... I seez to meself .... wotizit?

So in the middle of the night I've been trawling the Internet and the only image that matches is "Egernia major" .... Land Mullet. These are a beautiful large skink .... a relative of our favourite blue-tongues . They can grow to be 60cm long. I think ours would be about 40cm ....... the mystery is that all the sources say that they are only found in a small area of the north east of NSW!

Now my goal is to find our specimen again and get a good photo so I can investigate further. There's probably a local person who is expert on the local lizards.

What does this have to do with Kaylia? Nothing .... except that she would love to hold him. I've just taken her for the middle-of-the-night wee trip ...... and thought to myself about what a battle it is to keep her adequately hydrated! Many problems result from her becoming dehydrated .... headaches, constipation, tummy aches, irritability.... and these all contribute to her anxiety attacks. What a vicious circle!

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