Home soon. This trip has not been pleasant and it's been hard work .... so I'll be very glad to be getting off the plane in Perth! I think the flight home will be a much more pleasant trip because the new headphones though. I'm becoming even more impressed by them than I was at first! Last night I was listening to Secret Garden again ... it felt as though I was standing next to the piano .... and with my eyes closed, I could hear that the violinist was just over on the other side of the piano. It's the first time that I've had anything remotely close to good quality headphones.
It's 7:30am and I've packed just about everything ready to leave for the airport at 11am. This will allow time to catch up on villa accounts.
This morning there is a mystery just outside the door ..... on the wall at a height of about 1.2 m .... there's about 8 bits of what appears to be mouse dung stuck to the wall! To get it there the mouse would have to have balance on a leaf! I can't imagine a mouse being able to do this nor being able to climb a smooth wall ..... perhaps it was a large gekko? They can climb a wall.
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