Thursday, March 6, 2014

#837 Thursday 6 March

It's getting harder to find the content for the blog .... I have been trying to write about unusual events and situations and life with Kaylia has settled into a pleasant routine.  (Are there any particular things that you want to see in this blog? Make a comment.)   
Now there's a topic!  Routine!
I have just received an invitation to a seminar on ASD at Curtin Uni ..... I could possibly go to the seminar ... but such events always need to be weighed  up .... will it disrupt her routine?  .... and is the disruption to Kaylia's routines worth the benefits?

Although our life is currently very pleasant, there is still compromise in many areas of our life.  Many of the compromises are for work .... but even these are modified to fit Kaylia.

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