As you can see, it's about 40cm long ... the website says that at this size it is a baby and it still hasn't eaten. It doesn't eat till after it has molted its skin the first time. Ketut released it outside the house yard in a tree.
I did think of bringing it back to Perth for Chris but I think customs might get a bit upset!!
There are several dangerous snakes found in Bali but they are usually found in non-urban areas.
Last night we had our usual Skype call .... and when the time came for Kaylia to settle, she asked for the routine of the three bed-time stories .... and I had to join in too. She has accepted that even when I'm away, I can still be part of her bed-time routine via Skype. .... and it is teaching her to be much more vocal on Skype.
I've had a "builders moment" this morning ..... we've had a few complaints about bad smells in Bathroom 2 .... so I investigated.
From the villa plans I found out that the hi-tech "Bio-Save" sewage treatment system has a vent .... so I went looking for the vent .... and what do you know!! The builders didn't finish the vent! It opens to the air just below the bathroom window! No wonder a smell was evident. Ketut will finish the vent and extend it above the roof line. The builders were really amazingly bad!
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