Its good to have Naomi home. Kaylia was very happy. She does a strange thing with her eyes when she is really happy ... she sort of opens the eyelids right up so the whole iris is visible ..... she only does it then .... she doesn't say anything.
Speech status: this morning she wasn't hungry and she wanted to put her toast out for the birds ..... it came out sounding like "oos do the irs ...." She still has a long way to go.
On the subject of being hungry ..... The change to Seroquel has been good. Her appetite is much less and over time this should make a positive change in her health.
Kaylia seems to be over the wog .... she's still got a cough .... but since she likes to stim off the cough, its hard to say whether the cough is real or not. Me? I'm still crook! The wog saps my energy most of the time and mid afternoon each day it creeps up and wacks me over head with a bout of painful stuffy head.
No likely candidates for a new aupair yet. We will probably have a while on our own again till we find another good match.
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