Kaylia is now a teenager! I asked her what she'd like to do today ..... "Stay in bed!". Why not? It's her choice. I explained to her about growing from child - teenager - adult. She took it in .... her level of comprehension is constantly growing .... she can't verbalise a response to show her understanding but there are little behavioural clues that make me think that she does understand.
As usual, she is trying hard to articulate her new age ..... the "th" is hard .... she normally puts her tongue behind her top teeth and the result is sort of "derteen" ...... so I explain about putting her tongue between her teeth .... and she practices. But it's not something that is easy for her so we will have to have many practice sessions before it becomes automatic.

Night:. I think she has really enjoyed her day. This is her birthday cake at teatime ..... followed by a bath where she was able to use a present ..... a bath bomb .... that fizzed and bubbled with colours, sensations and scents. (No photos allowed 😀)
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