It's apparently the season for IT problems .... after the weekend scares about ransomeware, today we had an issue with some of the office computers. Although they had a connection to the internet, no website could connect. It was eventually tracked down to DNS errors and after I changed to a fixed DNS, all was well again. The way this problem showed itself after the weekend events is a bit of a concern. This IT work occupied much of my morning.
Kaylia is to have the second of three innoculations this afternoon. When it was time for the first shot a few weeks ago, I was prepared with tasty rewards ..... but I still had to hold her so that the nurse could "do the deed". So I'm under no illusions that today will be better! I have a new plan ..... Can I threaten her with "no school"? 😉
Later:. It didn't work! She seemed to understand when I explained what was to happen .... she mimed the needle in her arm ..... but when the crunch came, she wasn't having it! She eventually stayed still long enough for the injection and then she was fine.
Naomi is not well and still working too hard.
For those of you so inclined, Kaylia has her own email address .....
It would be interesting to see how she reacts to receiving email.
6:30pm. Interesting..... for the first time she has chosen to have her bedroom door open while she goes to sleep. In the past she has always wanted the door to be closed. It has also occurred to me that for a long time she had to have one of us with her for her to sleep ..... now she just takes herself off to bed. She wants "blue blanket" but doesn't need company. She's growing up!
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