1) Arrange repair of the painting in bathroom 1 - this room was painted in January yet the paint is peeling off in many places. There is a problem. The painter is coming to discuss and repainting before the next guests will be arranged. (This has been arranged to be done tomorrow.)
2) Arrange for a maintenance system for the generator. The manufacturer no longer has local staff and their price included travel from Jakarta .... so a local person is being found. We have now found a person and he is coming tomorrow to fix the problem.
3) We are arranging a quote for a re-treatment for termites. After having to replace the whole kitchen 3 years ago, we need to keep the treatment up to date.
4) For some reason the electricity consumption rate has jumped about 2.5 time the normal rate. We are testing the consumption rate with almost no load and finding that the rate is higher than the normal full load rate. There is a problem that has to be located and fixed.
5) We have realised that the electric hot water system is not needed when there are no guests .... so the two HWS units will be turned off when not needed.
6) The rooftop pressure pump needs to be replaced again. Arista to manage this.

7) The tall trees outside the villa have been trimmed back to a level just above the wall.
...... TIMBER!!!!!! ...............
These are fast growing trees and this pruning will need to be done at regular intervals.
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