Then I saw a FB post about ABA .... written by a trained person (American) who is very upset by what she understands of ABA. Now keep in mind that our experience of ABA therapy has been extremely positive .... I shudder to think what Kaylia would be like today if we hadn't gone down that road. For this person however, the experience has been very bad and her article has made me ponder the differences in experience.
Most of the scenarios that she wrote about were ones that are common to parents of a child with autism .... and her reaction to the methods .... that we have used ... and that we know work ...... leave me very puzzled.
I have the feeling that she is "throwing the baby out with the bath water"!
Many of the methods that parents use would clearly be 'verboten' for this person ....
I remember situations with Kaylia in which we reacted in a certain way to protect her ... and if we had not, Kaylia might not be here today ........ yet according to this person, we did "terrible things"! ..... (shades of Trump!)
Later: I've been looking back over the recent posts and I noticed that the post on Tuesday 5th (about her new brace) attracted a huge number of 'views' ... 5 times the usual number .... I wonder why? One person commented that the new brace was better looking than the old .... the colour and pattern were Kaylia's choice!!
The new brace has some 'teething problems' though .... the straps are too short so it is difficult to do up .... and it is rubbing on a spot on her hip. We are giving her the choice of which brace is used and she changes from day to day.

This evening she REALLY enjoyed her bath! It was a veritable mountain of bubbles.
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