Saturday, October 14, 2017

#1668 Saturday 14 October

It's 8am and Kaylia is "looping" as usual.....  mostly about "Bali at Christmas".  So we tried a diversion... "What shall we do today?"   She promptly replies "Bali!"
At times her sense of humour is excellent.

Her mouth ulcers are really bothering her.... she was very upset with them late this afternoon and..... after all the normal remedies.... I resorted to using the BIG Gun.... I took her for a car drive. .... and for the first time, this powerful tool failed.  She cried for the whole drive. She is really in a bad way.  We can only hope that the antibiotics take effect soon. 

Andrew and Catriona have bought their van for travelling..... they're going to go on a trial trip this weekend.  The van is a Mitsubishi Express.... same as Ash and Abbey had.  This one has already been fitted out as a camper.... and I'm pleasantly surprised by the way the fit out in this van is almost the same as we made. 

It's time for bottling!  Beer that is .....  22 litres of it.   

Just in time for a supply for the trip tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Great choice in van! The bed/kitchen frame we built has been perfect.
    Shocked to read that for the first time the drive didn't calm Kaylia down! Must of been terrible pain.
    Been doing any of your projects lately?
    Always keeping up with the blog.
