..... but my day? Weird! We are currently having NBN woes and .....
This is a report on the supposed appointment for NBN to visit the site to deal with a fault.
The day began with speed around 7 Mbps down and 6 up. Up speed is always the same but down speed fluctuates between zero and 8.
No one came from NBN.
I received a phone call from a heavily accented person saying he was from Telstra .... I almost hung up at that point .... I always assume spam if I get a call from anyone saying he's from Telstra ..... but I listened a little longer and it seemed that he was actually calling about our fault. He seemed to be saying that the fault was that the exchange had the wrong settings for talking to Telstra .... a bit sus? ....and that he would fix that before correcting the settings for all the houses in Cook Street. He would call back when it was fixed. He gave a reference number for his call. The whole call was difficult to understand because of the poor English.
He didn't call back. Our connection speed is still around 7-8Mbps down and 6 up. It seems to be stable now .... before it was fluctuating wildly..
The current connection speed under NBN is still about 75% of the speed we always had under ADSL
So I'm puzzled ... did anything happen today? If it did, was it Telstra or NBN?
Later: Weirder still! After all that I received a call from iiNet ..... NBN had reported to them that we were not present for our appointment with the NBN tech! Apparently NBN had telephoned before their visit and we did not answer .... so therefore NBN thinks we weren't there! (We were there the whole time.) The problem is that most of the time the phone does not work! .... and neither does my mobile! Sheesh!
NBN are coming again ..... and I left instructions "Do NOT telephone.... knock on the door!"
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