Monday, September 17, 2018

#1882 Monday 17 September

This is the summary of Kaylia's school week last week.

The rain forecast  for last Monday may have made us change outing plans but it did not stop us from having a great day out.  We are becoming very proficient at catching the bus to Warwick and then the train to Joondalup.  We all went to the correct platform without adult intervention and could locate the time was had to wait for our train to arrive.

At Joondalup Shopping Centre we located Bankwest and watched how to make a cash deposit and discussed how the money from ATMs got there in the first place!  We then went on to find the information kiosk and voted on a place to eat.  Unfortunately Hogs Breath was not open so we had to adapt and choose another venue ..... Sushi train was the result.  I was very proud of everyones effort to find a plate to taste.  Actually, once we tried one there was nearly no stopping us.  After a light meal we headed off to IGA to look for the ingredients for spaghetti.  We did a great job and happily shared which type of pasta each of us liked the most. Once we located all the ingredients and prices we headed to the food mall for a drink and chips. We had a lovely day, all using our manners beautifully.

On Tuesday last week we were fortunate to be able to enjoy another outing of a different type.  Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Mac and I drove the class to the Groundwater Replenishment Centre.  It was a terrific experience and we all learned a lot about the water cycle, water sources in WA and how our waste water is turned back into drinking water.  The most important leasson we took away with us was the 4Ps.  Only 4 items are to be flushed down the toilet... all are P words.  If you can't think of them ask your child if they remember!

On Wednesday we enjoyed another day at work.  All reports back to me are very positive.  It sounds like the students are settling into their routines well and are acting as excellent ambassadors for the school.  I am so very proud of all of them.

Last Thursday the weather looked as though it could hamper another day out but our students braved the wind and showers to participate in an interschool sports carnival.  While we have a lot of work to do on our skills our attitude and enthusiasm is second to none.  By all reports the students and staff accompanying them had a fabulously exhausting day.  A huge congratulations to C-----, selected and presented a medal for her immense effort throughout the day.  Great work C-----!!!!   Once again 10M worked above expectation baking cupcakes for the RSPCA fundraiser before the carnival and then icing them on return.  Super effort.

On Friday it was back to class work with the exception of delivering the cupcakes ordered for the RSPCA fundraiser.  The cupcakes looked absolutely delicious.  I will just have to take the word of the buyers that they tasted as good as they looked - they sold out!

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