Tuesday, November 2, 2010

#91 Tuesday 2 November 2010

Turmoil! Naomi's mother is in hospital after a heart attack & stroke. Obviously this causes turmoil in Naomi's family and the waves spead out to engulf us all .... I'm maintaining 'normality and routine' for Kaylia while Naomi deals with the issues.
Through all this, Kaylia is a little trouper .... of course!! .... this evening I was remembering little bits about the Kaylia we had a couple of years ago ... she has come such a long way. One day she will read this blog and she will be proud of what she has done .....

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear. I'm glad there's some good news among all the frustrations.

    Hope Naomi's mum's OK. Heart attack AND stroke? Yow.
