New Years Eve! The day has begun with very heavy overcast .... I thought it was about to bucket down. .... but it didn't.
Kaylia had a very good night ..... I stayed with her and she slept right through the night. It's now 8:30am and she is still asleep.
3pm After a morning of car trip for Kaylia, we are now back home with R&R time. Kaylia is focused on a noisy toy that she can stim with ..... while the adults watch "Penguins of Madagascar" .... what a wacky, exquisite movie!
While at Hardys I discovered another form of corruption .... it's blatant theft by the internet company. I had bought 1 Gb of data ..... the phone says I have used 400Mb .... yet the credit is all gone and I have to buy more!! Sheesh.
4pm Kaylia is now in the bath .... with lots of bubbles. She will be there till teatime I'm sure ..... so we can relax a bit.
6:30pm While extracting Kaylia from the bath, Naomi suggested that we go and have tea ..... Kaylia responded "Cool!!" .... isn't that good!
We're at Gardenia for tea ..... and here is the resident dog ..... he's a sweet natured dog.
8pm ..... back at the villa ..... Kaylia has gone to bed .... and I'm waiting till just before midnight before climbing onto the roof to watch the performance that welcomes the new year. Climbing the ladder is getting harder .... but I have a few more years yet that I can do this.

It was a very impressive time.
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