Sunday, January 1, 2017

#1446 Sunday 1 January 2017

The first day of the new year .... and a chance to 'stocktake' on 2016.
As it was Kaylia's first year of high school, that would have to be the best .... I'm sure she thinks so.  Not an hour goes past that she hasn't told us how much she likes school.
Then there is her progress in medication.
Her kyphosis and the brace.
.... I'll keep adding to this list.

Today ..... after a very leisurely morning .... breakfast at midday ..... we went for the obligatory drive ...... this time to Nusa Dua.  We went to a 'tourist shopping centre' .... for rich tourists.  We last went there about 10 years ago and it is now about three times the size! I saw this chipmunk while walking around .... I'd love to take a chipmunk home!

(Naomi says)  New Years day in Bali. Our neighbours (local Balinese family) have been using up left over fireworks during the day (random booms). This afternoon about four to six of the kids have been blowing horns (the ones you buy for NY Eve). They are very loud. So what do you do when the neighbours are having too much fun? Why... join in! I think in the end, we were doomed to defeat - our two horns were no match for their four. Indonesia wins this Olympic event hands down!


Evening:  We're at a spot on Jn Cemara .... set well back from the street.  Very pleasant and atmospheric. It's very reminiscent of Bali 20 years ago.

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