Friday, September 21, 2012

#704 Friday 21 Sept

Another bad night .... I slept through the time for the 'midnight run' .... she wet the bed .... then woke hours later at 3am cold and wet.  She was then awake for the rest of the night .... and we were reminded that being dragged in and out of sleep is even worse then being awake.
The notes below are for Kaylia's therapy (thanks to Kat!)  .... it gives you an idea of her current  level of speech ability.

It is our intention to have Kaylee use increased language in requesting within her natural environment…and also in responding to questions about her activities.

“Give me ______”
At any opportunity when Kaylee is wanting you to give her something, have Kaylee use the words to ask for it, before you give it to her. She may require a prompt – just say “give” and she should know what she is to say. If she does not, say what you want her to say, eg. “give me mentos”

We have also been working on Kaylee saying “please” and “thankyou as separate words, rather than her version of “thankyouplease” all being one word.
Example – she says “thank you AJ/Daddy/Mummy/Zoe”

Example – Kaylee needs something opened. You ask, “What do you want me to do?” She responds “Open ______ please”

Example – Kaylee gets in the car. You ask, “what do you want me to do now?” She responds “Close the door”

“Switch On/Off”
When entering/leaving a room you can stop her at the door and ask what she would like you to do. She should respond “Switch light on”, or may even say “Turn light on”.

If Kaylee wants you to join her in an activity, or to go somewhere – encourage her to say Come here”. Perhaps if you are going out and she notices you haven’t moved towards leaving, she can ask “Come here”

When you are taking Kaylee out – ask her questions
Q: “Where are we going?
Kaylee: “To the ____________”
Encourage Kaylee to use ALL the words in her response

Q: “How are we getting to the _________?
Kaylee: “Driving in the car”

If Kaylee goes out with someone else – someone at home on her return can ask
Q: “Where did you go?
Kaylee: “We went to the ________”

Q: “What did you do?
Kaylee: “We went swimming/rode on the scooter, went on the swing”
(encourage more words, rather than just saying “scooter”)

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