Thursday, July 15, 2010

#35 Thursday 15th July 2010

Times has got away from me!.... Since Saturday, we have had a series of good nights followed by a bad one last night. The reason for the good nights was a bit of cheating ... Naomi has not been well and so I slept downstairs with Kaylia .... the idea is to keep her in her own bed rather than going upstairs in the middle of the night. Kaylia has responded well to this ... she still wakes up but she just reads quietly and watches a DVD for a couple of hours. I can still doze through this and it means that Naomi can have some quality sleep.
We are no where near solving this sleep problem .... in some ways, its becoming less important that we solve it .... I'm so tired that I barely wake up for these sessions and in the morning, I struggle to remember what happened!