Friday, August 21, 2015

#1208 Friday 21 August

Wow ... time has escaped me again.  Today the weather is cold and wet .... it's not good weather for outside so I'll light the fire and stay in.   Callum .... foolish man! .... has gone on a weekend trip to Albany with his rugby team.  He'll be even wetter I think!  He will miss Friday night Chinese tea and Sunday night homemade pizzas ..... poor thing.  Hannah has stayed home and came in a while ago after going for a run.  She was drenched.  Zoey .... you'd love this weather!!

Kaylia came upstairs an hour before shower time this morning ..... so it was an hour of cuddles and tickles.  She loved it!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

#1207 Sunday 16 August

The poor thing is in the wars!   She has a painful foot (from the bite) ..... a painful arm (from the tetanus injection) ..... and now she has a painful bruised lower back.  I think she slipped in the spa at Aunty Nettie's .... she has an imprint of the suction grate on her back.   She's been quite unhappy as a result.

Teddy has been given one more chance .... any sign of more biting and he will have go.