Saturday, April 22, 2017

#1534 Saturday 22 April

She slept well last night.  Today is routine .... Ash and Abbie in the morning then me in the afternoon till Naomi gets home from work.

She's been really happy today ..... very giggly .... and very excited about going back to school next Wednesday!  Despite all the problems and heartaches, she really is a joy to around.

I've been working on speech a lot today .... the sentence being worked on is "I'm going to school next Wednesday.".   She can't get the 'mmm' sound .... and keeps leaving out 'to' ..... fortunately she enjoys working at the sounds etc ..... and she likes being praised when she gets it right!

Friday, April 21, 2017

#1533 Friday 21 April

Yesterday was wipe out day ... for both Kaylia and I.  Kaylia had a full on day with dentist and then activities with Ash and Abbie ..... and I had an afternoon of filling in at the office reception ..... we both crashed early last night.

Today is a great day for K ....... therapy this morning and then Friendship club this afternoon.
She still counts the days till school .... about 100 times a day!!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

#1532 Thursday 20 April

Yaaaay!  Red letter day!! Naomi got her results for her thesis .... a distinction.   Well done Naomi.

Kaylia had a trip to the dentist this morning.... she was so excited.  ..... and no problems this time!  The verdict was that we are doing an excellent job with her dental hygiene.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

#1531 Tuesday 18 April

At midnight last night Kaylia was VERY happy .... so happy that she just about screeched the house down!  It was maximum volume and it was heard outside in the bungalow.  There was no problem .... she was just happy.  I got her settled again and she slept the rest of the night.

This morning was therapy time.  She really enjoys this.  One of the current projects is the concept of "mine-yours" and all the variations in speech.  She tends to learn it rote and not understand the principles behind it.

Monday, April 17, 2017

#1530 Monday 17 April

Ah..... sleep in!   Kaylia slept well last night.  She just settled herself at around 7pm .... woke at 4am so I took her back downstairs and stayed with her .... and I'm still here at 8:30.  She's a restless sleeper a lot of the time and she gets the blankets all tangled up .... then she gets cold and wakes!   She's accustomed to having another body to wrap herself round and she doesn't go to sleep unless she can tangle her arms and legs around something ..... preferably a person! In the absence of a person she does the same thing with the long bolster pillow beside her.    The real trick is to get her to stop twitching .... she's wrapped round me .... twitching away and her ankle bones jab into my shin bones every few seconds .... so I'm constantly moving my legs out of jabbing range.  By constantly admonishing her to "Keep still" .... in a whisper into her ear .... she eventually stops moving .... and then she goes to sleep.
Now .... it's 9am .... do I wake her up and start the day?  .... or let her sleep?   Well..... she seems to be needing the sleep lately ..... and the shops are shut for the Easter holiday ..... so I'll let sleeping girls lie.
Shopping ..... now that I have three trees worth of firewood blocks to split, I'm looking for a block splitter.  The task of chopping it all by axe is beyond me now.  I wish I hadn't sold the Kanga a few years ago.

This was such a good machine. The blocksplitter attachment was made by me and it worked really well.  I'm now looking at a much smaller one .... electric so it won't be noisy .... and I won't have to do as much in each session.  It seems a lot of $$$ to buy one but firewood is very expensive to buy.  The blocksplitter is equivalent to three loads of firewood.  When I have tonnes of free wood in block form, the choice is clear.  

Sunday, April 16, 2017

#1529 Sunday 16 April

8:30am ... The day has started well.... Kaylia has been wide awake since 4am.  Now she's in the bubble bath. How unusual!!

2pm .... Home again.  It's strange ... we've been away in the country for three days .... yet we were in suburbia type surroundings .... and we returned home to a bush setting.  We're so fortunate to live where we do.