Saturday, December 13, 2014

#1051 Saturday 13 December

Life is busy .... I've missed two days blog.   In some ways it's a measure of how well things are going with Kaylia.  She's very happy .... and the social story seems to have sunk in so that she's no longer nagging about the doctor.  If she does she will immediately begin counting herself out!   She says "Doctor ...... that's one"

I've made some changes to the outside waterplay area ...... The bath has been moved sideways so that we can get to the stairs ..... and I'm moving the ponds to the other side of the garden.  

Kaylia's in the bath now ..... she loves having different water pressure from the hose .... she has it up ..... then down to a trickle ..... and she the uses the trickle as a dingle dangle!

Teddy has finally learned that from the balcony, he can walk out onto the shed roof ..... then it's a small jump to the ground .... and he's free! He's off next door now.  It's another job for me ..... to "Teddy-proof" the balcony.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

#1050 Wednesday 10 December

Another funny moment ..... 

Kerrie was on a Skype call to her mum in the UK when she heard the sound of a kangaroo moving outside the room. She whispered to her mum "there's a roo outside .... I'll take the phone outside so you can see it."   So Kerrie crept outside and .... sho ' nuff ..... there's a roo with its eyes glowing in the light from the phone. Next moment there's a loud squeal all the way from UK ..... "I can see its eyes!!!"

...... and there's no roo anymore!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

#1049 Tuesday 9 December

Today was school assembly at Kaylia's school.  Kaylia participated well. I have some photos and video that I'll add later.

We have been so fortunate with her school ..... it's a very caring, inclusive environment where children with disabilities can feel valued and important. Kaylia has been very happy there.     Such a contrast from the other school that Kaylia attended when she was in year one. 

Next year we have the task of finding her a high school ..... she will begin her high school years in 2016.

Monday, December 8, 2014

#1048 Monday 8 December

I've been researching designs for a trailer that I plan to build next year ...... and I came across the "tiny house" concept ..... the idea of building an extremely compact house on a movable frame.  Not so much a caravan as a house that can be moved.  Fascinating.   Kaylia would love it!

That's completely unrelated to the trailer I'm planning ..... this will be a purpose built transporter for the mini-tractor ..... so I will be able to move the tractor around as needed.

Tonight we celebrated Kerrie's completion of her study course.   She's been working hard at it.  We went to the Hog's Breath Cafe ..... Kaylia loved it.

.... and we finished with a "rocky road sundae "

Sunday, December 7, 2014

#1047 Sunday 7 December

We had a lesson in the management of Kaylia today.   We'd bought a cupboard for the new office and planned that while Naomi and Kaylia were at Mim's I would go off and collect the cupboard .... then return to Mim's.   When I got back I found that Kaylia was in a frantic mess .... high anxiety.   We hadn't considered that our plan was a change to her routine.  She couldn't cope with daddy going off and leaving her .... even though mummy was right there.

Afterward Kaylia .... in her own way .... was able to verbalise the problem and made me understand that the next time, she should go with me!